Page 28 of Dane

Nash is silent for a long time before he mutters, “Fuck.”

I pull up to the garage I co-own with Austin and shut my truck off. “Now that I know, I’ll be checking on her more. I just…I wish she would have told me.”

“I hate that I’m not home to help. Mom’s arthritis is getting worse, and Dad’s vision is deteriorating; he’s not going to be able to drive much longer.”

Guilt swirls inside me. I check on my parents regularly and remind them every time we talk to call me if they need anything. Luckily, the independent senior living apartment they moved to takes care of all the maintenance, so they don’t have to worry about fixing stuff on their own.

“Yeah. I know. I’ll be better about reaching out more often,” I say.

“It shouldn’t be left up to you and Greer. I should be there too. Mom and Dad gave us a great life growing up, and I feel shitty not being there for them as they get older.”

“Nash, what’s really going on?”

He’s quiet for a long moment before he finally speaks. “I think I’m homesick. I’ve been on the move since I joined the military at eighteen. I’m fucking forty, man. With no one to come home to. No one to take care of. My friends are all finding their Little girls and getting married and shit, and I’m not close to having any of that.”

“I’m older than you, and I’m not close to it either.”

He snorts. “Not from what I’m hearing. Seems to me that your Little girl is within your reach. You need to stop being a fucking dipshit and claim her.”

And the conversation has gone full circle, and I want to scold my sister for being a loud mouth.

“When did you become such a fucking gossiper?”

Nash barks out a laugh. “Stop deflecting. What’s going on with you two? Come on, talk to me. I’m your brother.”

I sigh and let my head fall back against the headrest. “I don’t know. Her mom is sick. She has dementia. Summer had only planned to stay for a couple of weeks for the holidays. Then she saw how much her mom’s illness had progressed. She took a leave of absence from work and is trying to cope and figure out what to do.”

“Dude, as sad as I am to hear about her mom, that wasn’t what I asked you. What the hell is going on between. You. And. Summer?”

He’s like a dog with a bone.

“I’m getting there, asshole. Geez. Keep your panties on.”

“My panties are perfectly in place, thank you,” he says proudly.

I roll my eyes, but I’m smiling. As much as he’s missing home, I miss him. We were close growing up—still are—but it’s not the same when we only get to talk from a distance.

“Summer has been stressed. We talked one night when she was upset. I found out she hadn’t been able to be Little since coming home, except for the few times she’s gone to hang out with her friends. So I suggested she come to my house and play. I meant it to be light and easy, but we hung out for a good part of the day yesterday, and it felt perfect. Like she’s meant to be mine.”

“Don’t bite my head off, but she is meant to be yours.”

Instead of arguing with him, I blow out a breath. “Maybe.”

My words must stun him because he’s silent for a long time before he laughs. “About time you realized it. I never thought you were going to pull your head out of your ass.”

Maybe I don’t miss him all that much. I often forget what a smart-ass he can be until we have a long conversation like this.

“I need to get to work.”

“Uh-huh. Sure. We’re not done talking about this.”

I grunt. “Yeah, I figured.”

“Keep me informed with what’s going on with Greer, too.”

“Will do. Love you, bro.”

“Love you too, Daney.”