She is kneeling on the ground, her back to me, with both hands gripping the raised handgun. There is a man lying on the ground in front of her, writhing in pain.
I step past her and shoot him in the head.
“Well done, little rabbit.” I pull her to her feet and we continue moving forward.
When I am at the front of the house, I pull Jennifer up against my back. I signal Paval. He spots me and I see the relief in his eyes. I give him the thumbs up. He nods.
I grab Jennifer and start running away from the house as our men fall back, keeping steady fire open against the front of the house.
We keep running.
I hear a whistle and pull Jennifer against my body, rolling onto the ground with her wrapped in my arms. The house is engulfed in flame as the rocket explodes inside it. I look up to see the roof caving in.
A few more stray shots echo through the air and then everything is quiet.
“Keep your eyes open. There may be survivors!” Fyodor yells.
I stand up, lifting Jennifer in my arms.
“Is it over?” she whispers.
“It’s over.”
Paval comes running around the side of the house. I lift my weapon and he throws his hands in the air. “It’s me.”
I lower my arm. “Is she okay?” he shouts.
“Yes. We’re okay,” I reply, placing my hand over her belly. “We’re all okay now.”
I pull her close, pressing my lips against hers and kissing her. Her body relaxes against mine and she lets out a long sigh.
“Shall we go home, little rabbit?” I ask.
“Yes, please,” she says. “I really do want to go home.”
I scoop her into my arms, holding her against my chest. She rests her head on my shoulder as I carry her to the car.
“I didn’t think you would actually use the gun.” I chuckle.
“I also know how to protect the things I love, Kiril,” she says against my neck.
Chapter 23 - Jennifer
Fyodor’s wife, Kat, hands me a cocktail and sits on the sun lounger next to me.
“Mrs. Dubrov.” She grins as I take the glass from her.
“Thank you, Mrs. Dubrov.” I grin back.
She has become a very close friend over the past two years. She has taught me so much about how to be a bratva wife. The ins and outs of how to support Kiril and still have my own interests. We often spend time together, just her and I, and sometimes Lauren and Darya join us for girls’ nights out on the town at luxurious places where the food is ridiculously expensive and the drinks cost the same as the monthly payment on my old car.
I will never get used to the money. But I have become quite fond of having a large family. Kiril's family became my family on the day of our wedding.
It was such a magical moment. Lauren, Darya, and Kat were my bridesmaids, and everyone went out of their way to make the occasion perfect.
Fyodor and Kat’s property is next door to ours and our children often play together. All of the Dubrov brothers and Darya are here today for a family lunch.
Kat gestures toward the pool where Kiril and Fyodor are throwing the kids in the air and catching them just before they splash back into the water. The kids are squealing in delight as their fathers fling them into the air.