I hang up. I cannot take another second of his bullshit.

I cannot believe he’s telling me to give Jennifer to Golubev. That disgusting pig of a man. Paval knows what he does, what he puts those girls through. And now he is willing to make Jennifer suffer that life for the sake of keeping our organization running smoothly. Not even. He just wants to save us some hassles.

We are much stronger than Alexander Golubev. Our organization could crush his easily if that is what was decided, but apparently, that is too risky as far as Paval is concerned.

I down the last of my drink. The ice has already melted away and the whiskey is diluted.

I phoned my brother for advice. I wanted to ease the frustration and annoyance I was experiencing. I wanted to talk to someone about my stress. But instead of finding comfort or wise words, I am angrier now than before. I am more frustrated, and more determined to sort this out. Alone if I have to.

I dial Alexander Golubev’s number.

“Dubrov.” His greasy voice oozes through the phone. “I owe you a bullet.”

“I want to talk,” I demand.

“Go ahead.”

“In person.”

“You might understand how that would be difficult for me, given the fact that I am somewhat restricted in movement at the moment.”

“Your leg giving you some problems?” I sneer.

“I am experiencing some annoyances, yes. How’s your chest? I was so disappointed to find out you’re still alive.”

“Alive and still very angry.”

“Is that so?” His voice is thick with arrogance even though he knows he does not have the upper hand. He knows that he is weaker than us. His arrogance is defensiveness.

“I am giving you one last chance to pull back on your threats,” I say. “I want you to forget you ever saw that girl, forget you even know she exists, and walk away. Forever.”

“What is it about this little kitten that has you so stirred up, Kiril?”

“No more questions. Just agree to what I have asked.”

“I can’t do that. I want her back. She was never meant to get into your hands. She was mine, to begin with, and you stole her from me. I want my property back.” He is beginning to lose his composure.

“She is not your property. She never will be. Do you hear me? You are not to come near her again.”

“It seems that you really care about her wellbeing. This is your mistake; you shouldn’t care about anyone or anything. As soon as you start caring about things, people, girls—those things can be used against you. Right now, Kiril, you have something to lose. I don’t.”

“You have family, Golubev. You have something to lose as well.”

“What, my brothers? Don’t make me laugh. They never cared about me. I don’t care about them. I look out for myself.”

“Of course, you do, but I’m talking about your son. The one who doesn’t speak to you anymore because of what a disgusting excuse for a human you are.”

“Well, then my son can go to hell. I don’t care about him either.

“How can you speak about your own child like that?” I growl, becoming more and more convinced that I should just kill this man.

“When you become a father one day you will know what it feels like, and you will find out what little vermin they actually are.”

He laughs and it grates right into my bones.

“I know exactly what it feels like, and I would never call my child that. I will defend them with my own life.”

“You know what it feels like?”