“Kiril, what happened? Did I do something? We need to go to the hospital. Call the doctor.”

I grab her waist and pull her down onto the bed to sit next to me. “I’m fine, little rabbit. Calm down. I promise you; I’m fine.”

“You aren’t, though. What is going on?”

I pull my mouth tight. How do I tell her the truth? We have just made love, and if I let her know what happened she will be horrified. I might lose her again.

But I was the one who just told her that she can tell me anything.

I take a breath.

“I was shot.”

“Shot?” she yells.

“Jenn, it was just a graze. I probably need a few stitches. I’ll sort it out tomorrow.”

“How did you get shot?” she demands. Her eyes are rich with worry.

I decide that the only option I have is to tell her the truth. If I want to be with her, she is going to have to know all of me.

“I went to see the men who took you. I had to make a plan to sort out the threat of our enemies so that I can keep you safe. I had to put an end to it once and for all. It did not go as we planned, but we did get a message across. I know I am going to have to do more. The man who runs everything, his name is Alexander Golubev, and I shot him in the leg. Honestly, I was aiming to kill him. I would have, too, but I was shot in the chest, I had my Kevlar vest on, so it will just be a bruise by tomorrow.”

I watch her face. Will she hate me now?

“You did this for me?” she asks.

“Yes, of course I did. I would do anything to make sure they can’t hurt you ever again.”

Tears run down her face and she wraps her arms around my neck, holding me tightly against her breasts. I rest my head in the warmth of her body and close my eyes.

“Kiril, I didn’t even know you were in danger tonight. What if something had happened? What if I lost you, and I didn’t even know it was going to happen? I can’t lose you.”

Does that mean that she loves me too?

Or is she just worried about raising the baby alone?

Either way, she has not pushed me away. Again, instead of her doing what I expected her to do, she pulled me closer instead.

Chapter 17 - Jennifer

I hold him tightly against my chest, not wanting to let go. I feel a desperate urge to tell him how I feel about him as well. I don’t want to deny that I am falling for him. I bite against my words, not letting them slip from my mouth. He cannot know. What if what he said about how he feels about me isn’t even true?

But his actions—he did this crazy thing for me. He put himself at risk for me.

I can’t believe he went and met with those men to try and get them to stop chasing me. He did this to make sure that nothing will happen to me, or to our baby.

Or did he do this just for his baby? Perhaps it has nothing to do with me at all?

I lean back and look into his eyes. He is staring right at me. His gaze is soft and warm.

After everything I did to betray him, I thought that he was done with me. I thought that any chance of him wanting me was gone.

But tonight, he told me that he loves me. Not just cares for me. He loves me. I stroke my hand over his thick dark hair. What am I going to do? How am I going to handle this? Can I believe him?

“Little rabbit, what are you thinking?” He is still staring into my eyes. There is so much emotion in his gaze that I find it hard to look away.

Can I tell him that I am scared to believe him? That I have this horrible feeling that he might be telling me these things to trick me? I know I am much younger than him, and perhaps he thinks I am naive and easy to manipulate. Maybe he just wants to use this as a tactic to continue to control me. He loves to be in control of everything. I know that about him. I have seen it. I don’t know what to say to him. How can I tell him all of my fears?