“It’s worth a try, though.”

“I suppose you’re right. It’s better than just waiting on the sideline for them to make the move. We can be one step ahead.”

“Exactly. This waiting is driving me crazy.”

“Yes, and we need to let them know that they can’t expect to get away with this bullshit.”

We discuss how best to go about things, and then Fyodor stands, ready to leave. “I will make the arrangements and get back to you to confirm everything,” he says. “Be ready.”


For the next twenty-four hours, I am tense and pacing.

I avoid Jennifer completely because I don’t want her to sense what is going on with me.

I am full of anger and it is building as the hours go by, leading up to the meeting I know I am about to have. She can’t see me like this. My darker side. She can’t know what violence lurks beneath the surface. I would never do anything to hurt her, but just knowing I am capable of these things would most likely turn her away from me. I love her too much to risk that.

Finally, my brothers and I are in the car and on the way to the meeting point. We have arranged to have a conversation at the dock. On our territory. Right where the container was that Jennifer was found in. The symbolism of it will not be lost on Alexander.

We pull into the area behind the containers and tell the driver to be ready for anything. Although we have negotiated to have a peaceful conversation, there is never any way of knowing whether that will be the case or not.

I step out of the car with my gun at my hip, the safety off, and my brothers right behind me.

Maxim usually hangs right at the back, and we never complain about it. He is not built the same as us. Don’t get me wrong, he can be as ruthless as anybody else, but it seems to affect him more intensely.

Fyodor and Paval are on either side of me as we approach the group of men standing where the container was.

“How poetic, to meet right where you stole from me.” Alexander sneers as we step closer.

“It seems we are still in disagreement about that,” I reply.

“What is it that you wanted to discuss, Dubrov?”

“We will get straight to the point. I am sure we all have better things to do. Your plan has failed.”

“Don’t think of me as naive.” He chuckles.

“Your plan to infiltrate our organization by using Jennifer as a tool.” I don’t like the fact that I just had to use her name in front of him.

“A tool, you say. That worthless piece of trash?”

“She told us everything, Alexander. We know you threatened her and forced her to gather information on us to feed to you. It’s not going to happen. She is not your puppet anymore. She is completely under our protection.”

“That fucking bitch. She is so fucking useless. Does she not care about her friend? Does she not care about what we said we would do to her? Can she really be that fucking stupid?” he screams, throwing his hands in the air. His outburst is full of anger and resentment. “I will fucking hunt her down and kill her. She is dead. Mark my words. That bitch will not live to see her next birthday. We keep our word, and I made a promise to her that she would regret not doing exactly what I fucking told her to do.”

I wrap my fingers around the grip of my firearm. “Threaten her again and it will be your own life you are fighting for,” I snap back.

My brothers move to grip their weapons as Alexander’s men hustle and pull their guns.

“You and your brothers think you own this city,” Alexander says. “You think you are everything? You need to learn a fucking lesson. You stole from me, you cost me a great deal of money, and now you are defending a worthless bitch. I am not threatening her. I am making a promise. I will kill her. We got to her once, twice actually, and it will be easy to do it again.”

I raise my weapon and aim it at his head, my arm steady with my sights locked on him.

“We will bring the entire force of our organization down upon you, Alexander. Do you know what the fuck that means? You will be obliterated. Nothing that was once you, or yours, will exist anymore. If you say her name or look her way again you will suffer so greatly that you will beg to die just to end the pain.” I glance to either side of myself and see that my brothers are standing ready to shoot as well.

Alexander looks furious. I know he understands what we are capable of. He does not stand a chance if we decide to take him down.

“You cannot wage war against me if I kill you now.” He sneers.