“I haven’t spoken to them since they caught me. I have no way of communicating with them. I don’t know what they want or what I am supposed to do.” She is crying again. “Please, Kiril, I am so worried about my friend. Please, help me keep her safe. If anything happened to her, I don’t know if I could survive that.”

I watch her closely. I want to believe her, but how can I? She has been hiding things from me this entire time. How can I know for sure that she has not spoken to them again? She might have a phone hidden somewhere. She might be sneaking out somehow.

“They will hurt her, now that I can’t give them what they want,” she says between sobs. “It will be my fault.”

“Is there anything else you want to tell me, Jennifer? Before I find out myself?”

He bites her lip. Fuck. There is more.

I hold her face in my hand again. “Spit it out, little rabbit. Let’s not play this game again,” I mutter darkly.

“Darya knows I’m pregnant,” she blurts out.

“Why? How?”

“Because I didn’t believe you.”

“Didn’t believe what?”

“I thought you had the doctor fake my pregnancy as an excuse to keep me prisoner.”

“Why would you think I would do such a horrible thing?” It hurts me to hear her say that.

“I don’t know.”

“And now? What did Darya say?”

“She helped me.”

“What did she do?” I snap.

“She got me pregnancy tests from the pharmacy so I could see for myself,” she mutters softly.

“Prove it,” I demand. I don’t know what to trust anymore.

“They’re in my bathroom, in the bin.”

I grab her arm, pulling her off the table and marching her toward her room and into the bathroom.

“Show me.”

She leans down and then turns towards me holding three pregnancy tests. I walk through to her bedroom, sitting heavily on her bed, staring at the tests. All positive. Obviously.

I want to smile at the results again. Honestly, it makes me so happy to see them. I have an heir. My own child. A baby. I am going to be a father.

Jennifer stands in the doorway of the bathroom, watching me. Her eyes are swollen from crying. She is carrying my baby. I cannot have her going through so much stress. I need to gain a tighter hold on this situation.

“And now?” I hold out the tests. “What do you think now?”

“I—I am pregnant,” she says, as though she is only just accepting this information today, for the first time.

“You are pregnant with my child, little rabbit. That child belongs to me. And as of now, I cannot trust you anymore.”

Her eyes shoot up to mine. “Kiril, please understand why I did what I did. I have to keep my friend safe. I can’t—I can’t let anything happen to her. I never wanted to do it, I swear.”

Now, more than ever, I know that I have to keep her safe. Her and my unborn child. Now, more than ever, I have a reason to lock her close to me. I have a reason to keep her with me at all times and to protect her.

“Little rabbit, things are going to change.”