“You think there’s a chance that she does love me?”

“I can’t answer that, but what I can say is that she might not even know how she feels about you because you aren’t giving her the freedom to discover it for herself. You and your guards, and now me, all she sees is us controlling her.”

I pull my mouth tightly. I hate that Darya sounds right. I don’t know what to do about it, though, because I have to keep Jennifer safe.

My sister pulls me into a hug. “Don’t look so worried, Kiril. I’m going to look after her today. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Go to the meeting, but think about what I said.”

“I will.”


When I walk into the room where my brothers are waiting for me, I can feel how tense the air is. Even though I arrived early, everyone else is already here, and they have clearly been talking. They all fall silent when I arrive and everyone is looking in my direction.

“What the fuck is going on?” I demand. I don’t have time for pleasant greetings and all of that bullshit. I just need to know what is happening.

“Let’s sit.” Paval takes a seat at the table, and Maxim and Fyodor do the same.

I pull out a chair a little too roughly and plant myself on it. “Come on, guys,” I say. “Tell me what the fuck is going on.”

Fyodor leans forward. “Kiril, we were investigating to try and find out why our enemies have gone so quiet. It’s not the norm, as you know. It turned into a bit of a situation. We had to take one of Alexander’s men as no one was finding out anything. We got him to talk, though.”

I am tense in my seat, my leg bouncing under the table with anxious energy.

“So, tell me,” I snap.

“Jennifer was planted by our enemies.”

Blood drains from my limbs. Heavy, empty silence settles over my ears. I want to block out the words he has just spoken.

“Not a chance,” I say.

“I’m sorry, Kiril. It’s true. She wasn’t planted there to begin with. She was just one of their unfortunate victims, but when they saw that you had taken her in and how, um, attached you were, they decided to use it to their advantage. She escaped. From you. She got out and they caught her outside your property line. She came back as a spy. She is, or has been, planning to give them information she has been gathering about you. We don’t know what yet. She might be in contact with them daily. This is a very serious situation.”

I nod, still reluctant to believe what he is telling me. I can’t speak.

“Kiril, because of that girl, because you took her from them—they are threatening to go to war against us.”



“Her name is Jennifer.”

“Yes, sorry, Jennifer. Look, man, this is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. What is going on with you two? Is she worth all of this? We might be headed into a war. People will die.”

“She is worth it.”

“Kiril, please, be realistic. She is one girl.”

“She is the only girl.” I stand up, slamming my fist against the table.

Paval, who has been very quiet, speaks up. “Kiril, calm the fuck down, man. What’s gotten into you?”

I shake my head. “Don’t fucking tell me what to do!” I shout across the room at Paval.

He stands, throwing his hands in the air. “I don’t have to deal with this fucking shit show. I have work to do.” I glare at him as he walks out of the room.

Fyodor calmly says, “Let him go, Kiril. Sit down, come on. Talk to us. We have to work this out together.”