“You mean with everything that happened?”

Kiril is carrying me and I don’t even care where we are going. I don’t have the strength to answer so I close my eyes and focus on my breathing.

“It’s okay, little rabbit. I’ll call the doctor in the morning. For now, you need to rest.”

I feel myself being lowered onto the bed and Kiril sits down next to me. He pulls off my shoes and starts unbuttoning my jeans. My eyes shoot open and my hand moves to push him away.

“Stop it. You can’t sleep in your jeans,” he demands.

I can’t even argue. He lifts my hips and pulls my jeans off. His hands run along the length of my legs and even through the heavy exhaustion, it sends pulsing need through my body. Then he pulls the blankets over me.

I don’t remember falling asleep, but it must have been almost instantaneous. I wake up a few hours later because I need to pee and when I sit up, I see that Kiril is asleep in the chair next to my bed. I smile and shake my head. What am I going to do about all of this?

When I tip-toe back into the room to climb back into bed, Kiril is awake.

“Jennifer?” he mumbles. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m okay. I think I was just exhausted. You should go to bed. You can’t sleep on the chair like that. You need proper rest too.”

He shakes his head. “No, I’m not leaving you.”

“Don’t be silly, Kiril. Go to bed.”

He folds his hands across his chest and closes his eyes, leaning his head against the backrest of the chair.

“Oh, for crying out loud. Fine. Just lay on the bed here. On top of the blankets.”

His eyes shoot open and he eyes me closely for a moment, then he stands and lowers himself onto the bed next to me. I shift across to the other side, giving him, and myself, some space. But I feel his heavy arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me up against him.

“Just relax, little one. I’ll behave.”

My back is curved against his chest. It is warm and feels safe and comforting. I close my eyes and before I know it, I am asleep again.

In the morning I wake up and find that Kiril has not moved. I am still locked in his embrace. Except I do not wake up feeling the same comfort that I did last night. My eyes shoot open and I swallow hard to fight the nausea pushing against my throat.

I wiggle hard to get away from him, clasping my hand over my mouth, and then run to the bathroom, just making it in time. Except I did not close the door in my haste and now Kiril can hear everything, and I am dying from embarrassment. I sit with my head over the toilet and feel like I want to cry.

It must be a virus.

His hands are on my back. He lifts my hair from around my face and holds it behind me, rubbing his hand up and down my spine.

“Get it all out, little one. It must be some kind of stomach flu. I’m going to call the doctor. Don’t worry. I’ve got you.”

When I am done, and still dying from embarrassment, Kiril lifts me off the floor and carries me to the basin. He pours me a glass of water and tells me to drink some, then turns on the sink so that I can wash my face in the cool water.

He then carries me back to bed with strict instructions not to move.

“I’ll have them bring in some breakfast if and when you feel like you can handle it. In the meantime, I’m going to get the doctor over here. I’m sure he can give you something to settle your stomach and help you rest while you get better.”

I close my eyes and fall asleep again.

I don’t know what time it is when I hear my name being called and I am pulled from sleep. I open my eyes and sit up to find the doctor and Kiril standing at my bedside.

“Hello, Jennifer. I hear you’re not feeling that great.” The doctor’s warm smile greets me.

I take a deep breath. “Actually, I think I might be feeling better. Maybe I just needed rest?”

“Well, let’s just take a look at you anyway. There’s no harm in making sure everything is alright.”