He shoves me hard and I fall to my knees in the middle of the group.

“Is that her? What are the chances of that?”

“Guess we don’t have to go in, then.”

Someone grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me up. I am standing face-to-face with a man I recognize. The scars on my leg and across my stomach begin to sting as a reminder of what he did to me. His hands lock around my throat and he brings my face close to his. “Just as pretty as the first time I set eyes on you.” He licks the side of my face and I gag, finally finding the strength to start kicking.

His fingers tighten.

“Do you forget, girl, what happens when you fight back?”

His hands run over my body, his fingers digging into my breast.

“I never did get to have my fun with you.”

“Drop her. We’re here to make a deal, remember? She has a choice to make.”

He releases his grip and I fall to the floor, wiping furiously at my face with my sleeve.

“Jennifer,” the man who reprimanded my former captor says. “We did not meet last time, but I hear you have caused quite the stir. So, we came tonight to make you an offer. Would you like to hear what it is?”

I push myself off the ground and stand in front of him. If I am going down, I am not going down without a fight.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Very well. I am sure you know why we took you, originally. And that life is still very much an option for you. We will be happy to slot you right back into the container and carry on with that plan. However, we have another option for you. You see, it has come to our attention that Kiril has become quite attached to you for some reason, and that is in our favor, and yours, actually. So, if you don’t want to go back to the container, we need you to do something else for us.”

Kiril was never the problem. I see that now. The contract between him and these men is like heaven and hell. These men are sadistic and cruel. Kiril did nothing but take care of me. He was gentle and sweet. He was never involved. It is so startlingly obvious to me now. He was right all along. I was safe with him. He only wanted to take care of me and now, too late, I see the truth.

I fight the tears that are pressing against my eyes. I will not cry in front of these psychopaths.

“Alright, well, if you’re not going to say anything, I will tell you what it is we need. We are going to send you back to Kiril.”

What? Why would they do that?

“And you are going to gather information for us.”

I can’t do that to Kiril. He has been so good to me.

“Do you agree? Oh, I forgot to tell you, just something else to sweeten the deal a little.” He holds his phone towards my face, and I stare at the photograph on the screen. My heart shatters. It is a picture of Lauren. “If you don’t agree to do what we’ve asked, then you will return to the container, and so will this tight little minx. Do you understand? Lauren will make a great addition to our collection.”

There is no chance that I am going to risk Lauren’s life. Not after all the times she has been there for me.

“I’ll do it. Leave her alone and I’ll do it.”

“Pity. I was hoping you would say no, I guess she’s safe for now, then.”

I know those men are watching me as I walk back towards Kiril’s mansion. I hardly even try to be sneaky as I return inside. I walk through the gate into his garden. I know I cannot climb back up the balcony, so I go and sit under the tree, on the bench I love to sit on during the day.

Suddenly someone shouts, “What the fuck are you doing outside?” and two guards rush over to me. “Kiril will kill us if he sees you sitting out here alone.”

“Sorry, I just needed some air,” I say. “It’s such a beautiful night.”

“You should have called one of us to sit with you. You don’t know what it’s like outside the fence. It’s not safe.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I really just wanted to enjoy the night. I mean, I’m totally fine. I just came straight to the bench. I haven’t even been here long.”

“That’s beside the point. Come on. You have to go back inside.”

I huff, pretending to be annoyed, but secretly I want nothing more than to be back in my room inside Kiril’s mansion.