“Indeed. My container. You know very well which one I am referring to.”

“We found a container—but this container was on our territory. On our dock. I can’t imagine you would be stupid enough to have one of your containers on our dock. Surely not?”

“That was an oversight of sorts, which I apologize for. But we both know that it was my container and I want my shipment back.”

I cannot hold back any longer. I am half-raised from my seat, leaning towards Alexander. “You mean the woman. The human being. The girl who you treated like nothing but a plaything?”

Paval places his hand on my shoulder, pushing me back down into my seat. “What my brother is trying to say is that we don’t agree with the type of business you do as is, and that paired with the fact that the container was on our territory means that you will not be getting anything from us at all.”

“Where is she?” Alexander growls. “You cost me a great deal of money by stealing her.”

Fyodor is beginning to get angry as well now. “Stealing? We cannot steal what is on our property.”

“Everything on our dock belongs to us,” Paval says. “That was not your only mistake, having your container there, but it is one of them. The girl does not belong to you, and we will not be returning her to you.”

“What does she even mean to you?” Alexander sneers. “Are you really prepared to go to war over her?”

“War?” Fyodor asks. “An interesting word to be throwing around so carelessly.”

“I do not throw it around without intention.” Alexander’s jaw muscles are flexing against his bloated cheeks. He is becoming more agitated as the conversation goes on.

Now it is Fyodor’s turn to stand.

“Alexander, I would be very careful with how you choose to proceed from this point on. We do not take threats lightly and I assure you, you will not be the last man standing.”

Alexander’s men shift behind him, and their hands slip beneath their jackets.

I move to rest my hand on the grip of my own gun. All he has to do is make the first move and I will be within my rights to shoot a hole through his skull.

He raises his hand to his men and reluctantly they settle down.

I do not remove my hand from my own gun.

“Kiril,” Paval says.

I bite down and settle.

“You Dubrovs are getting out of hand,” Alexander says. “You think you run this city, but I assure you, you don’t. I want what is mine. I want to know where you took her. I want her back. If she is not delivered to me within forty-eight hours, my friends, you will find out how serious I am.”

He stands.

“Bring her to pier seventeen. Forty-eight hours from now.” He glances at his watch. “Do not be late.”

We are all standing now. His eyes are locked on mine as I lean close to him. The aggression of my stance and the look on my face is clearly telling him that right now, I want to rip him to shreds.

“Kiril, perhaps you will be the one to deliver her.” His smile is twisted. His bloated lips and pig-like eyes make him severely displeasing to look at.

“We are not giving her back to you.” My voice is low and deadly.

“Yes, you are, or you will suffer the consequences. You will return her to me in forty-eight hours.” He steps away from the table and suddenly, my hands are knotted in the front of his shirt, his face inches from mine as I spit the words at him.

“Over my dead body.”

He smiles. “We know you have her, Kiril. People talk. What is so special about her?”

“Why don’t you tell me?”

“Is she worth dying for?”