“I will be in my office. The doctor is coming in a few hours. Enjoy your food.”

I storm out, gritting my teeth.

In the office, I call my brother.

“Kiril, how are things? Is she telling you anything yet?” Fyodor asks.

“Nothing, but she did speak today. At least I know she can speak, because honestly, I was beginning to wonder.”

“The doctor warned you. He said it wouldn’t be easy. Do you think you might change your mind? Maybe it’s time to take her to a clinic.”

“Not a fucking chance,” I snap.

“I was just asking.”

“Sorry. I’m tired. Listen, I can’t get her name. I can’t find out how long she was in there. I can’t find out anything. I wanted to ask you and the other guys for some help.”

“If you can’t get her to speak, we definitely won’t be able to.”

“No, I mean, maybe you guys can look into her. Find out who she is or where she’s from. Anything really. I want to know why they took her. What is it about her that made her their target?”

“Is there something specific that’s making you worry?”

“Ugh, you know, it’s better to have the knowledge. Be prepared. Right now, I am in the dark about everything and it’s making me uneasy.”

“Sure. We can ask around and see what we can find out.”

“Maybe find out where she was taken from—how it all happened. Also, why she was taken. I keep wondering what it was that made her the target, why they picked her.”

“Okay. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll start on that today. Someone knows something.”

Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

“Kiril, you should try and get out of the house for a bit. She’s not going anywhere. You should get some air, maybe come for dinner?”

“I can’t do that. I can’t leave her.”

“Alright. I will talk to you soon.”

The truth is that I am still very worried that she was planted by our enemies. The fact that she is so determined not to give away any small piece of information about anything at all is starting to make me question a lot of things. Why will she not even tell me her name? What is she hiding? If I can find out who she is, then I can maybe find out why they chose her over everyone else. There will be something about her that is important or unique in some way. I know how their clients work. I cringe to even think about it, but the clients state what they want. The more money they have, the more unique the specimen can be. Her beauty alone would be enough for someone to choose her, but usually, there is more than just that. A talent, a skill of some kind. Something special. Even who her family is might play a role.

I want to know exactly how she was taken and when—how she got tangled up with the wrong crowd. At what point did she catch their eye?

I lean on my desk with my elbows propped on the edge and my face in my hands again. I wish I could get out of the house. I do need a change of scenery, but I cannot bring myself to leave her. I have to protect her, even if she does not want that from me.

I check the time. She has finished eating and has to take her painkillers now.

Walking into the room I see her sit up straighter, ready and alert.

“Little rabbit, it’s time for painkillers.” I reach into the drawer and see that she has not been taking them as the doctor indicated she should.

I shake the bottle. “Why haven’t you been taking these? They’re here to help with the pain, but also with the inflammation. You need them.”

“No, I don’t,” she snaps.

I glare at her, shocked that she answered. “Yes, you do,” I push.

I drop two tablets into the palm of my hand and hold them out to her with a glass of water. She shakes her head.