“No, I don’t want to sedate her again. I think it’s time we let her wake up.”

“When will that happen?” My heart beats a little faster at the idea of meeting her.

“There’s no way to tell. It could be today, or it could be a week from now. Her body will wake up when she’s ready. I still think you should consider having her taken to a clinic. There is no way to tell what state she will be in mentally and emotionally when she regains consciousness.”

“That is not happening. Do not ask me again,” I snarl.

“I understand.” He nods, ignoring my tone.

He hands me a bottle of pills and explains that they are painkillers. She has been given a long-acting dose in one of her injections, but she will need to take these when she wakes up. If she wakes up. He hands me another bottle and tells me these are calming tablets, benzodiazepines. If she wakes up in a state, she might need these. They are not strong, and he will assess her when she is awake, but they are given to me just in case she is in a terrible state when she does wake up.

I thank him, slipping the two bottles of pills into my pocket.

When he is gone, I sit back down in the chair next to her bed.

She could wake up any moment now and I intend to be here when she does.

Over the next few hours, I bolt upright whenever she stirs and lean over the bed to see if she is waking up, but even though her movements are becoming more frequent, she has yet to open her eyes.

It gets late and I fall asleep in the chair. In the morning I wake up to my phone ringing in my pocket. On the screen is my brother’s name. Fyodor. I slide the green button to answer his call.

“Kiril, morning. I just wanted to check in and find out how your guest is doing. The doc is really unhappy about you keeping her there. He thinks she might be dangerous.”

“She’s still asleep. She hasn’t woken up yet. I don’t really care what the doc thinks, man. She’s here with me and that is where she will stay.”

“Look, we’re just worried after what I saw the other night when we fetched her. She was wild. She bit you, for crying out loud. Are you sure you don’t want to have her taken to a proper care facility?”

“That is the last time I will tell you. I get it—you’re looking out for me, but she’s just one tiny girl. I’ve got this. She is staying. I am keeping her here. She is not going anywhere.”

“Alright, man. Well, let us know what happens. Just shout if you need anything. I don’t think it’s the best choice, but it is your choice.”

I hear my nephew’s laughter in the background and it brings a smile to my face.

“How is the little monster doing?”

“Constantine has figured out how to crawl. He’s getting into everything and causing such drama.” Fyodor chuckles.

“Well, send Kat my love. I’ll let you know if anything happens.”

“Okay, Kiril. Chat soon.”

Chapter 3 - Jennifer

My dreams are dark and twisted and full of terrible things.

They taunt me and tease me, and I fight against them. I gasp softly when I wake up in fright. Memories rush in. A dark container. Girls sleeping on the metal floor around me, crying and desperate. Men grabbing us. A knife. Me ending up alone in the cold darkness. Men arriving and trying to take me. Me fighting for my life and then the sharp stab of a needle in my neck. I blink my eyes open, fearing for my life. Wondering where I am.

The soft pillow beneath me and the warm blanket over my body do not reassure me, in any way, that I am safe.

Have I been sold to someone? Have I been shipped off somewhere? The stories the girls were telling in the dark have teased my fear to high levels.

A man’s voice drifts in from the passage outside of the room and I strain to hear what he is saying. “… She is staying. I am keeping her here. She is not going anywhere.”

Shit. I am still being held. The sound of his voice sends intense, rigid fear through my body. His accent is the same as the men who took me. I am still with the same people; I am not safe.

I try and sit up, but I can barely move. My entire body is aching. My skin feels tender and there is sharp pain in my leg and stomach. I reach up to touch my face and wince when my fingers brush over bruises.

Outside, I hear the man saying goodbye and then suddenly, his huge frame fills the doorway of the bedroom. He is staring at me in shock. I glare back at him with intense hatred.