I leaned in as if I wanted to kiss her and she closed her eyes, ready to receive my kiss. But I didn’t kiss her. “I want to fuck you, but I won’t. You haven’t earned it yet.”

She opened her eyes and pushed me away. Her push was light, not enough to move me one bit. I paced back, letting her think she’d actually set herself free from me. “Is it fun teasing me, asshole?”

“It is,” I answered. While I’d have loved to tease her a little more, I had other things to do. “See you later, malysh.”

I turned around and started for the door. Pulling my phone out from my pocket, I dialed Mikhail’s number. “Is it done?”

“Yes. I traced him to his house.”

I wasn’t an unromantic guy, although I hadn’t been involved with anyone I needed to please. Today was my wedding day with Adrienne and I needed to give her a gift. One she would be more than happy to receive.

“Get the boys ready, we leave at dawn.”

Chapter 12 - Adrienne

The same nightmare had hunted me since I was a child; a woman with a face like my own staring back at me, a man with a voice like my papa’s roaring, screams from a voice I was not familiar with, and the sound of my own voice crying.

It always felt the same whenever I woke from the nightmare. My body was always wet with sweat, my heart pounding as if it wanted to explode, and I had this feeling that it wasn’t just a dream.

Deep voices and footsteps came from downstairs. I remembered falling asleep after Andrei humiliated me and left the room.

That man had an effect on me that I didn’t like one bit. A single touch from him evoked so much emotion in me and he knew it. I knew he was baiting me, making me go crazy for him until he decided it was time to devour me.

Yet, I couldn’t resist him. I wanted to, but I couldn’t.

I’d been so wet, and he would have discovered that if he’d stayed back to touch me a little more. Goddamnit! I was even wet right now just thinking of him. I’d tried to touch myself to ease the tension he’d created in me, but it just wasn’t enough.

Imagining him wasn’t what I needed. Him whispering dirty words into my ears and taking care of my needs was what I really needed.

Believe me, I knew how stupid I sounded, wanting a man I needed dead to fuck me. I put my bottom lips between my tongue and bit hard on it to escape the crazy thoughts in my head and bring myself back to reality.

I peeked out of the window and the sky was still pitch black, dazzling with stars and a half-crescent moon. I sighed. I’d been nine the last time I cared to admire nature.

I didn’t have a phone and there was no clock in my room for me to tell the time but seeing as it was still dark outside, I knew it wasn’t morning yet.

The ruckus downstairs continued. I decided to find out what is wrong myself. I descended the stairs lightly, deliberately not to give away my presence. It was a technique I learned growing up because in this dark world of ours, you could never tell when your enemies would have it out for you.

And unfortunately for me, I had enemies on every side. My papa’s enemies and Andrei’s, considering I was now a prisoner of his—which many would understand to mean that I was now married to him.

My rapid breaths steadied when I reached the base of the stairs to find Andrei, Mikhail, Dimitri, and Andrei’s men standing in the foyer. Andrei was wearing a white dress shirt with what appeared to be an artwork of red ink, except it wasn’t red ink. It was blood.

I ran down to stairs and grabbed him by the arm, examining him for injuries while asking myself why I cared if he was injured. Andrei meant nothing to me, that was what I believed, but why was I here making a fool of myself and checking if he was wounded? Why?

Was I afraid to become a widow as quickly as I became a wife? I shook the question off. That wasn’t it. I didn’t care if Andrei lived or died. I settled with the thought that I just didn’t want him dead until I’d gotten my revenge.

That was it.

“Malysh.” He removed my two hands from his shirt and looked down at me. A part of his face was also stained with blood. “You’ll get your pretty hands dirty.”

“It doesn’t matter how dirty I get my hands; I need to make certain your fine.” I sounded like a fool saying that, but I didn’t have the time to cringe at my own words.

I reached to touch him again, but he held me back. “I am fine, malysh.” He collected a black trash bag from one of his men and handed it to me.

I perceived a pungent metallic tang from the bag, and it was heavy to carry. “What is inside?” I asked. Maybe I was a coward, but I was feeling too hesitant to look inside myself.

Andrei’s lips twisted into an evil grin, his eyes filled with gloom and a devilish glimmer. “Mario Luigi.”

The bag fell out of my hands instantly and landed on the marble floor with a thud. Proving Andrei was not lying and there was indeed a human or at least a human part inside the trash bag. “What?”