“Mario will pay for what he did to you, I assure you of that,” I replied.

“My father is into a lot of shady businesses. You’re familiar with most of them since you’re into them yourself.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “There are lots of shady businesses in the cartel, but there are hierarchies to them.” I did whatever needed to be done, but child and human trafficking were where I drew the line.

Was I still a bastard? Probably. But a bastard with a code of honor was better than one without it.

“Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re any better than him. You’re not.”

“I never said I was.” I moved from the doorframe to the bed and sat down on the edge beside her. “But I think you know there’s a difference between me and your papa. You wouldn’t have come to me if you didn’t think so.”

“The only difference between the two of you is who dies first. You’re both misogynists with no regard for women or their lives.”

She wasn’t entirely wrong, but she wasn’t entirely right either.

I had opinions some would consider misogynist. Opinions like how our dark underworld was not fitting for women.

But that was simply because they were the most endangered. I’d seen how men treated them. It didn’t matter if they were their mothers, sisters, or wives. Those animals just wanted to trample on them.

Adrienne and her mother were proof of that.

“I agree,” I said because it didn’t matter what I told her, she wouldn’t believe me. “Now back to your papa.”

“There’s nothing more I can tell you, not until I am certain my head won’t be dismembered from the rest of my body after you get what you want.”

I nodded. She was right to not want to become collateral damage in our fight, and I had no problems with her holding onto something she could negotiate with.

Even though I had no intention of hurting her…or ever letting her go.

Adrienne knew nothing about me other than the absurd pictures her papa had painted in her head of who I was. She didn’t know a thing about my possessive nature.

Once I wanted something, I made sure to get it.

After I get what I want, I never let it go.

“If that is all then leave my room,” she commanded. “I’m exhausted and my lips hurt from making vows I have no intention of keeping.”

There she was, taunting me again.

“Don’t tell me you’re thinking of consummating this marriage, you know I wouldn’t let you do that.”

She was rejecting me with her words, but the blush on her cheeks was saying something entirely different.

Adrienne wanted me, even more than I wanted her. The way her pussy clenched when I glided my finger into it said enough. She’d been so wet, and a moan had even escaped her throat.

The only reason why I was holding myself back was because I wanted her to beg for me. I wanted her to want me so much that she wouldn’t care about her ego.

I would fuck only then.

That didn’t mean I couldn’t touch her, torment her, or tease her how I wanted. I would until her wall crumbles and she would have no choice but need me to quell the dirty desires I’d built inside her.

“We’re married, and I’m certain you know we must consummate our marriage tonight.”

Her cheeks turned crimson and her eyes dilated. She licked her lips and swallowed, trying to calm herself.

Oh, my poor, little malysh. She had no idea what was awaiting her.

I smiled to myself because she didn’t even know how much effect I had on her already, and it would be too late by the time she realized it.