Loud music drummed in my ear as I climbed down the stairs from Andrei’s office. I didn’t know if Andrei or his brother bothered to chase me, and I didn’t check because it would only slow down my pace, increasing my chances of being caught. I disappeared into the crowd of dancers, shuffling my way past them. The flickering green and purple lights made my eyes so sensitive that I narrowed them to control how much of the light was getting inside them.

The glass exit door of the club became visible when I’d almost reached the end of the crowd. I exhaled in relief, determined to reach it despite the heightening feeling of pain in my back and the sudden blurring of my environment. Just one more step, you can do this Adrienne. I reached the door, held the square handle, and just as I was about to push it open, strong arms slid around my waist, holding me back. My muscles tensed.

A familiar white musk and patchouli scent filled the air. “Do you think it is that easy to escape me?” His thick Russian accent roared in my ears. “Be a good little malysh and don’t try to run.”

His other hand crawled from my hips, then it moved till it reached and wrapped around my neck. I was running out of breath, but too weak to fight back. The exit door vanished into clouds, the music dimmed, and the only face that came to my mind was my face, smiling back at me.

My legs gave up the weight of my body, peace blanketed me for the very first time in years. I knew I’d met my end, and it was the most comforting thing ever.

Darkness was calling for me, and I did not try to fight it.

I opened my arms and embraced it.

Chapter 7 - Adrienne

I’d never thought heaven would smell like cigarettes and alcohol, unless of course I wasn’t in heaven. I was in hell.

I tried to flick my eyes open, but they felt too heavy, as if they weren’t my own. I could hear voices in the background, thick masculine voices that spoke Russian. I should have taken my Russian classes more seriously than I did, but that was a regret for another day.

A wet towel dabbed my neck, and that was when one of my eyes gave in, briefly allowing me to open it for two seconds. A blurred face was close to mine, I couldn’t make out the color of his eyes, but I could feel them touch my face curiously before I heard him mutter something I couldn’t make out in Russian. I knew who it was as soon as I heard his voice. Andrei.

My eyes closed and darkness took over.

Cold soft hands were rubbing something on my back when I woke up again. I was laying on my stomach with my back facing the ceiling, cuddling the unfamiliar bed I lay on. It was cozy, warmer than the one in my room. I peeled my eyes open, taking in the view of my environment. There wasn’t much in the room except an oak vanity across the bed and a standing lamp lighting the room. Drapes as red as cherries covered the windows, matching the red canopy towering above the bed and the matching red backrest.

My eyes dropped to my chest. That was when I noticed I was wearing nothing, not even panties. I tried to turn over but whomever it was that was rubbing something on my back placed her weight on me. “You should be careful; the wounds haven’t healed enough.”

I remained still and tilted my head up to peer at her. She had dark, raven hair that was wrapped in a bun, blue eyes like Andrei’s, and a stone-cold face. She didn’t look much older than I was.

“Who are you, and where am I?” I didn’t know if those were the most appropriate things to say to someone who’d probably been nursing my wounds for who knows how long. And I thought asking why I was naked would be a stupid question, considering I needed to be naked for her to tend to my wounds.

“Levov estate. You passed out in the club and the boss thought it best to bring you back home,” she explained. “He isn’t the type to bring a woman home, so I assume you are important to him.”

That sick bastard. I was important to him of course, he brought me to his home just so he could nurse me back to life and milk information about my father from me. “Where is your boss?”

She took a towel and wiped my back gently, then threw it inside a bowl of water before moving away from the bed. “You can turn now,” she said, ignoring my question about where her boss was.

“Is there anything to wear?”

She tilted her head to the vanity across the bed where there were plenty of shopping bags on it from one of the biggest fashion stores in New York. “You can find something there.” She lifted the bowl from the floor and started out of the room but stopped by the door.

“Boss is kind, but he is not a very patient man,” she whipped her head around to look at me. “Don’t try anything funny, obey him and you won’t be hurt.” She left the room.

I must’ve hurt my head really badly because I chose to misunderstand her warning. I decided I would disobey and taunt Andrei till he had no choice but to either kill me or let me go.

I stood up very cautiously, careful not to hurt my back but there was no soreness whatsoever, it was almost as if I’d not been whipped—Goddammit! How long had I been here? I’d forgotten to ask. I went to the vanity and started rummaging through the clothes there looking for something comfy to wear.

Silver dinner dress with an open back, heels, another black dress that was sleeveless and had a slit that would show off my pussy if I dared to wear it. I checked the other bags. There were more dresses that looked like they were designed for strippers, not that I minded how exposed they were, but they weren’t the best options when my whole body didn’t feel right for some reason.

The last bag was filled with panties and bras—I didn’t wear bras, for fucks sake. A pair of tees and oversized shorts were what I needed. I slid on one of the thong panties and gave myself a butterfly hug to cover my bare breasts.

Even heaven could not have had as much white as the hallway I stepped into outside my room. Only the black ink from the still-life portraits on the walls tainted the immaculateness of it. There were no rooms close to the one I’d just come out from, but there was a staircase that I assumed led downstairs.

I descended the stairs and started to hear muffled sounds. Andrei, two brothers that I’d met at the club, and three other guys were talking by a corner close to the white doors. They didn’t seem to have noticed my presence yet, but I halted on the last few stairs.

One of them glanced at me and then signaled Andrei to turn around. The moment his gaze fell on me, his brows furrowed and crimson red painted his eyes. Andrei was in a pair of blue jeans and a white tee that showed off his muscles. It pained me to admit it, but he was so freaking hot in casual clothes.

I hadn’t even noticed the tattoo on one side of his arm and neck as he’d worn long sleeve button-up shirts the many times I had seen him on the news and the two times I’d met him before now. His tattoo was simple black leaves with red roses and white skulls, fitting for a man like him, alright.