“Listen, Kiyoko,” I say, leaning against the table. “We have to make sure we’re on the same page here. We’re partners, but this is still my family we’re talking about, and I will not let anyone walk all over us, either.”
“Relax, Salvatore.” She places a hand on my shoulder. “I know my place. And I respect your loyalty to your family. But remember, we’re all in this together now. We must be prepared to do whatever it takes to protect our interests, even if it means getting our hands dirty.”
“Dirty is one thing.” I run a hand through my hair. “This shit feels downright filthy.”
The Abruzzi Crime Family has always had a heavy hand when it comes to dealing with those who would oppose us but wiping out an entire gang?
This is not something we have ever done.
To make a point, we leave some behind alive as a warning so none will ever dare to try again. But the Yakuza destroy all who oppose them, not just the head of the snake, they take the whole snake pit.
“Filthy or not, it’s the world we live in,” Kiyoko counters. “You wanted change, didn’t you? This is what it looks like.”
I sigh, knowing she is right. We are knee-deep in this now, and there is no turning back. If we were going to thrive, then maybe it is time to embrace the unfamiliar, even if it scares the shit out of me.
“All right.” I nod. “But remember, Kiyoko, I’m watching you. And I expect you to watch my back too.”
“Of course, Salvatore… that’s what partners are for, isn’t it?”
“Damn right.” I fix her with a stare. “Now, let’s get the hell out of here and start making some waves.”
Kiyoko stands, nods at me out of respect, and leaves the room. The heavy door slams shut, echoing through the now-empty room. I stare at the long table, littered with the remnants of what we have just hashed out. The air is thick with power shifts and new beginnings.
I leave the meeting room with a powerful need to see my wife and children. Lorenzo waits for me, leaning against my car. He opens the back door, and I climb in. The windows are tinted so you can’t see inside the vehicle. I sit open-legged on the seat and hit the button so the interior glass slides down, and I can talk to Lorenzo. He already has the car started and puts it in drive.
“Where to?”
“You okay, Sal?”
“The Yakuza wiped out a gang in Atlanta to prove they are on our side.”
He looks at me in the rearview mirror. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“No.” I loosen my tie. “Keep an eye on them. As much as I want to trust them, we should be cautious. Do we have anyone on the inside of their organization?”
Lorenzo smirks. “Yes.”
“Make sure they keep us informed.”
He stops the car and moves to open his door so he can open mine.
“Stay.” Lorenzo twists to face me. “I might be Don, but I can still open my own fucking door. Do you want to come in? Have a bite to eat?”
“No, boss. I’ve got a date.”
Chuckling, I ask, “A date, date or a paid date?”
Lorenzo scoffs. “Boss? You think so little of me.” He shakes his head. “A date. You’d like her. She’s a good Catholic girl.”
I open my door. “Are you thinking of settling down?”
He grins. “Never said that.”