Page 93 of A Fate so Wicked



When King Harkin’s large frame stepped in front of us, blocking our path, it put a damper on my mood, and I pouted.

“Ms. Rosewood.” He extended his hand.

His casual tone made me giggle—it was so off-putting. So, disarming. And yet, I placed my hand in his, smitten, as he kissed the top of my knuckles, his amber eyes lingering a second too long on my ring.

“I’m happy you could make it.”

I tugged my hand from his. “Okay,” I said and wiped off his touch on my dress. Both the prince and the king were extremely vile and yetI couldn’t help the blush that spread up my neck.

“May you have a wonderful evening.” King Harkin shared a look with the prince before strolling off, allowing Prince Bowen the opportunity to lead me.

I noticed Talon gave me a disapproving scowl as we breezed onto the waxed floor, and I bit back my amusement—flipping him my middle finger before resting my arms over the prince’s shoulders. As my hands settled onto the smooth material of his suit, the drink settled into my bones.

We danced and swayed as one—the room blurring together in a kaleidoscope of colors. The music, a serene melody. My skin warmed further, my cheeks and chest flushed, and my thoughts felt far away.

I laughed, unadulterated, and felt as free as a bird.

The prince twirled me around the floor, also seeming to enjoy each passing moment.

Gone were my fears about surviving the trial and saving my mother.

My conflict about Talon, forgotten.

Breana’s death, a mere distant memory.

Twirling and spinning until I tripped and crashed onto the floor.

A loud cackle escaped my lips, surprising me, and I laughed even harder, enjoying the fact I didn’t have a care in the world. Sprawled on the cool floor in a fit of hysterics and unable to get up, I lay there staring up at the chandeliers, unable to differentiate them from the star-filled sky. I didn’t want to get up; I could’ve laid there forever.

“My, my, aren’t we enjoying ourselves?” The prince extended his hand, his face wild with amusement, and I hiccuped.

“Sorry.” I giggled, covering my mouth.

“Oh, don’t be silly. You’ve nothing to apologize for. Here.” He lifted me into his arms.

I felt like a wet noodle as he held me, my head too heavy for my shoulders. My feet slipped out from underneath me again as he sat me down, and I clung to him to stabilize myself.

Prince Bowen flashed me a curious smile. “This is my favorite symphony.” He continued, “Dance. Dance, Elowyn. Entertain us. Entertain me.”

Letting go of his jacket lapels, I giggled into my hands and stumbled back, crashing into another hard body. My eyes crossed as I tried to look at him, blinking them into focus. His features were sharp—cruel—as an inhumane smile spread across his dry, cracked lips.

“Hello,” I drawled, wiggling my fingers dramatically in his face before fluttering off in the opposite direction.

I spun and spun like a table totem, ricocheting off fae like a blind moth to a flame—laughing and howling and embracing anyone I could get my hands on.

Their cruel faces were lit with merriment as they passed me around like a rag doll. Stray hands. Grips that were somewhat too tight, but it didn’t seem to bother me. Soon, the nausea from earlier bubbled back to the surface.

Another spin. And another,until my eyes lost focus, and all sense of direction went with it. I stumbled, falling to my knees, and my skin cried out. My stomach twisted.

I doubled over in a fit of laughter, tears forming in the corner of my eyes. I’d drawn the attention of the crowd of fae that now surrounded me—their bony fingers pointing in my direction as they loomed over me.


Talon appeared at the front of the crowd, his hands in his pant pockets, and his lips pulled into a taut line.