“What? That’s not what Gabriela said.” And Nola hadn’t said a word because of course, she wouldn’t. As far as she was concerned, it had been handled.

“Of course, she didn’t,” he scoffed, shaking his head in disgust. “Doesn’t matter. Nola handled it. Hell, Gabriela must have really pissed her off because I’ve never heard her speak to anyone like that.” His eyes flashed with pride. “Anyway, we have a few more meetings with the alphabet agencies in D.C., and Nola is who you need. She’s talked to these people, knows what the deals are and she can keep you on schedule.”

Damn. He clenched his fists and he wanted to argue but he knew it was all true. Nola was a damn good assistant, should probably be the Vice President instead of an assistant. He did need her. She would be an asset to what he needed to accomplish. Everything he wanted to accomplish. And they would be on the other side of the country. Away from Brooks and away from the company. Just the two of them. Alone. Together. “All right. When?”

Brooks smiled. “Nola will get with you on the details,” he said, but he already pressed the button to speak with her. “Nola.”

“She’s not at her desk,” he said at the same time she said,


“You’ll be going to D.C. with Bronx instead. Send him the details as soon as possible.”

“Fine.” She bit the word out icily and severed the connection.

Brooks glared up at him once again. “Whatever you’ve done, fix it.”

Fix it. Like he even could.