Shit. He had forgotten.
“The General left no less than a dozen messages for you over the past week and when you didn’t bother to call him back he called Nola because he liked her and she made a good impression thanks to gifting his grandson with the one gift none of his friends’ parents were able to get.” He smiled, sounding proud.
“Brooks,” he said in a warning voice that had absolutely no impact on his brother.
“Right. Well, she gave him your direct number since your assistant is, her exact words were ‘a waste of skin and bones.’” Brooks stood and buttoned his jacket, before making his way to the door. He turned with a smile. “One other thing. Congratulations, you’re having twins.”
“She told you that?”
He nodded, so filled with amusement he couldn’t stop his shoulders from shaking. “Said you didn’t deserve to be the first to know since you forgot and were acting like ajerk. And taking Gabriela’s word over hers. Again.” He folded his arms and glared at Bronx. “That last part was from me.”
“Twins?” He’d been worried as hell about one baby and now he had two that he could fuck up. “We’ll need a bigger house. A bigger car for Nola. What else?”
Brooks shook his head. “Seems to me you already know exactly what you need to do, baby brother. All that’s left is to do it.”