Chapter 5

“Nola, I have to say you’re quite a surprise. I was expecting someone much older.” General Howard’s blue eyes crinkled at the corner as he smiled at Bronx’s sexy little companion.

She laughed. “I’ll take that to mean you thought I was extremely capable and efficient?”

Unbelievably, the hard-nosed four star general laughed right along with her. “Hell, yes I did, little lady. I wish my assistant was half as efficient as you,” he sent a glare to his fresh faced assistant. “I certainly wasn’t expecting such a young woman. I don’t know how these fellas get anything done.”

Bronx couldn’t believe it. Nola blushed. “Well, they’re too busy creating amazing software to help you and your men keep us all safe.” And just like that she won the General over and turned the conversation back to business. “I’ll hang back and let Bronx woo you with his magnificent program.”

She gave him that sweet, adoring smile that knocked him on his ass but the shove she gave him brought him back to the moment. “I guess I have to bring my A game with an intro like that.” They shared another laugh and he got down to business, giving the General a live demonstration of how the program worked. “As you can see, we dug deep into Brady’s background,” he cast a wary glance at the General’s assistant and flashed a sympathetic smile. “We’ve indicated all the areas he would likely respond to for information extraction, not that we’ll use them but you get the point.”

General Howard stared for a long time before he spoke. “This is damned impressive, Mr. Corona. Give me the rest of the day to look it over with the Secretary, but I think we’ve got ourselves a deal.”

“Great. That’s what I like to hear.” It was exactly what he’d wanted to hear but these damn meetings always made him nervous until they were over.

“Expect a call from me early tomorrow.”

Bronx’s shoulders finally relaxed. “I look forward to it.”

Nola stepped forward and took the General’s hand. “By the way, I have something for Thomas. Brooks and Bronx asked me to find something and I think this will be the perfect holiday gift for your little boy.” It was gift wrapped and clearly a video game.

“Is this that new space game everyone’s been talking about?” She nodded and he beamed a smile at her. “Fantastic! You have just made my Christmas.”

“Happy to help, General. I’ll see you when we sign those contracts in the morning. Give Maureen my best.”

When they were outside with the sun setting over the capital, Bronx took a deep breath and smiled at Nola. “You were amazing in there!”

“Just doing my job,” she insisted with a shy smile.

“Hell, Nola that was above and beyond. You charmed the hell out of the General and he doesn’t like anyone.” He scooped her up in his arms and twirled her around, ignoring the way his body tightened at the feel of her hard nipples pressed into his chest, her supple curves under his hand and squeezed against his hard—oh, so damn hard—body. “Let’s go out to celebrate.”

She blinked but her smile never wavered. “Okay. This is a big deal, Bronx.” Her hold tightened on him for a brief second before she slid down his body and took a step back. “You did it!”

“No babe, we did it. Come on, let’s go!” He grabbed her hand and they hopped into the waiting car, instructing the driver to take them back to the hotel while he made reservations for the best steakhouse in town. “Wear something short and tight.”

She laughed and bumped her shoulder against his. “You wish.”

“Damn right, I do,” he groaned and placed his hand on her thigh, feeling a rush of anticipation when she didn’t remove it. He didn’t know if she was finally ready to admit they hadn’t burned that fire out between them yet but he considered it progress. When they arrived back at the suite she turned to him and pointed.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice how you switched our two rooms into a suite.”

He flashed a smile at her and chuckled. “Nothing gets by you Nola, now go put on something sexy. And make it snappy.” She rolled her eyes and disappeared while he removed his jacket and poured a couple fingers of whiskey to unwind. This day had started like any other. He got up and ran five miles before getting dressed and picking up Nola. What he hadn’t counted on was being so affected by Nola’s nonstop presence. Her soft, feminine scent and those sexy curves, that throaty laugh that his cock responded to instantly. He liked her, dammit.

And after that kiss they shared on Friday, one that his body couldn’t seem to forget, he knew he needed to have her. To get another night with her, maybe seven of them, and get her out of his system. Yeah that sounds like a plan.

“What are you smiling about?”

He looked up and choked on his whiskey at the sight of her body hidden beneath miles of terrycloth. She took a seat at the other end of the sofa, leaving one curvy leg available for his gaze. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

She snorted. “Real mature. I promise to get dressed but this robe is so magnificent I needed a few minutes to luxuriate.”

“Believe me, I am not complaining.” Especially not with the way the robe gaped at the chest, giving him another glimpse of that creamy cleavage that he wanted to lick. To taste. Maybe to fuck, if she would let him. His pants were getting uncomfortable. “I’m trying to behave, Nola.” His voice was a warning and she froze, big green eyes like a deer in headlights.

Blinking, she looked down at all the skin on display. “Okay.” Her voice was shaky but damn when he looked up he was hit with a wave of lust. Her skin was flush from the shower, or his blatant ogling, and she looked more beautiful without a stitch of makeup on. Nola stood and tightened the robe. “All right, then.”

She made it two steps before he found his voice. “Come here, Nola.”

She turned and damn, that oversized robe had opened again. “Why?”