“You can’t just herd me around like some damn cow!”

He laughed at her. A deep sexy chuckle that brought her violent tendencies to the surface. Then he took her bag and carried it like it was nothing, leaving her feeling conflicted and grateful. “When you’re acting ridiculous I’ll treat you how I see fit.” Then she was in his arms, struggling as he kept walking. “Hold on so you don’t fall.”

“You don’t fight fair,” she groaned.

“Don’t you forget it, babe.”

How could she remember anything when his hands palmed the back of her thighs, a little too close to other parts but still somehow not close enough. Nola did the only thing she could, wrapped her arms around his neck and watched him. The extreme focus and concentration he had on any task was powerful. Sexy. “Is this really necessary? I can see your ridiculous car from here.”

“Ridiculous? This thing can drive itself and does automatic updates just like my computer. The word you’re looking for is mechanical genius.”

Her look softened and she pinched one of his cheeks, enjoying the stunned expression he wore. “You’re right, Bronx, it is very pretty,” she said, all calm and tired.

He chuckled and sat her in the car, placing her seatbelt on before jogging around the car. They drove mostly in silence because she couldn’t stop thinking about whether she would have the good sense to turn him away if he kissed her again.

Turns out she didn’t need to worry because Bronx had other ideas. Handing her bag to her, he cupped her face and slanted his mouth over hers, kissing until her knees went weak and her mouth went dry. His hands gripped her ass and pulled her close to his erection, swallowing the moan it produced.

It was delicious and hot. Erotic and everything her body wanted in that moment if her hands snaking under his shirt and feeling those glorious muscles meant anything. She moaned again before stepping back. “Damn.”

“No kidding,” he smirked, leaning in for another kiss before taking more steps backward. “See you on Monday, Nola.”