“Is it really so different?”

She didn’t pull away from him but her fingers loosened and eventually their hands parted. The distance between them had already began. “Of course it’s different Sadiq. I told you I couldn’t love another man knowing he was going to leave me and you will. Eventually you will have to find a wife and produce some heirs.”

He smiled and reached for her hand again. “I kind of thought that’s where we were heading Abby. Was I wrong?”

She blinked and leaned back, staring into his dark eyes. He noticed the moment she spotted the real love in his eyes because her body relaxed, her pulse slowed and her smile felt more genuine. “You think I’m Queen or lady Sheikh material?” She laughed, shaking her head while her dark locks flew on the breeze giving her the look of a wild eyed angel.

“I think you’d be a wonderful Sheikha Abby. You’re kind and sweet, smart and gentle. And there’s the whole matter of me loving you.” They were almost at her bungalow and Sadiq knew he only had a moment to convince her before they spent the night apart. “I think you love me too Abby which is why I’m telling you this now. I want you to make a fully informed decision before you decide to give me your heart. Because once I have it, I’m keeping it.”

She smiled, releasing a shuddering breath and shaking out her arms. “Thank you for telling me Sadiq I appreciate it. I really do. But I need time to think.” She held his hand pressed against her chest and he felt the erratic beat of her heart thudding against his hand. “You’re right about my feelings for you but it doesn’t matter if I can’t be what you need me to be.”

His hands were at her waist, pulling her close. She smelled like ocean and flowers and inhaled deeply, savoring her sexy scent. “You are already exactly what I need you to be. Except mine.” She smiled and opened her mouth to say more but he silenced her with a kiss that spoke of his love for her and the future that lay ahead for them. He pulled back with a smile. “Looks like you have another suitor?”

She turned and leaned against him even as her body stiffened. “Charles, what are you doing here?”

Yeah what was that bastard doing here?

“I came to see you babe. Looks like I’ve been replaced.”

Sadiq moved to strangle the man but two small hands to his chest stopped him. “He’s not worth it. I can handle this, trust me.”

“I do,” he told her honestly.

“Good then let’s meet tomorrow for lunch. Two?” He nodded his acceptance even though he didn’t like it. She smiled and pushed up on her toes to give him a gentle kiss that had him hard for her. “Good night Sadiq. Sweet dreams.”

He leaned closer. “You will be naked and at my mercy, so they will be.” She shivered and that was enough for him.

There was still a chance for him.

For them.


She could tell by the sag in his shoulders that Sadiq was unhappy about leaving but Abby smiled because he trusted her enough to handle it on her own. When he was far enough away that she didn’t have to worry about his response she turned to Charles, a scowl on her face. “Why are you here Charles?”

He smiled and ran a confident hand through his blonde flop of hair. “I’m here for your babe. I’ve given you two months to cool down and I’m here so we can enjoy the last month together.”

Abby shook her head and fisted her hands at her hips. “We won’t be having anything together ever again,” she reminded him.

Leaning against the outer wall of her bungalow he flashed a greasy smile and tilted his head to the side. “You’re still mad? Why?”

“You mean other the fact that you cheated on me? That you were having unprotected sex with two people, none of whom were me. Your girlfriend.” She still wasn’t hurt but the recklessness of it all left her stunned. Furious.

“Would you have given me what I needed?”

“Since you didn’t share it with me I guess we’ll never know.”

Charles pushed off the wall and closed the distance between them, a knowing smirk on his face. “We had a good thing going Abs. Are you really ready to give that up for a vacation fling?”

“No I’m not but this isn’t about him. It’s about me. I don’t love you Charles and you don’t love me.” He opened his mouth to argue but she covered his mouth. “Don’t lie Charles. When I left your place I wasn’t crying or plotting to do wicked things to you, I was just mad. Mostly at your carelessness rather than the betrayal.”

“You seemed pretty shocked. Pretty upset,” he offered in that smile she used to think was charming. Now she could see it was just manipulative.

“I was shocked but it isn’t every day you see your boyfriend taking it from behind and loving it. The point is that I don’t want you back.”

“But we had our life mapped out.”

She nodded. “Except I didn’t know there would be a regular pit stop at bisexual basin when we were doing the mapping! You know Charles we’ll never know how I would have responded to your needs because you didn’t give me the chance. The good news is now you can sleep with whoever you like.” Not that he’d asked her permission before.