Besides, the news loves to hype up things like this. Gives them something to talk about, as if the Rocky Mountains have never had a major snowstorm before.

We finish up, then Cash and I do the dishes while the other three disappear somewhere. After we finish, I decide I’m going to head back to our rehearsal room, put in a few more hours. Working on the band’s music always makes me feel better.

Just as I’m heading down the hall, Larkin calls my name, and I turn. She’s standing there, barefoot in a fluffy Centennial bathrobe, her hands in her pockets.

The robe is open a slit down the center, and I can just barely see the black bikini she’s wearing. My mouth goes dry and I remember our kiss from earlier.

How good it felt to finally touch her. The way she practically melted under my lips, all the tension going out of her body.

“What’s up?” I answer her, jamming my hands in my pockets.

I’m willing her robe to fall open, but I guess I don’t have telekinetic powers just yet.

“Dalton, Gavin and I are heading out to the hot springs,” she says. “You want to come?”

There’s a tight knot in my stomach, the blood in my body surging downward.

Hell yes, I want to come. More than anything I’d love to be there when she takes her robe off, revealing her perfect body in that little swimsuit. I’d love to finally be with her, share her with the men who are like my brothers.

I’ve got no hang-ups about the fact that she’s dating all three of them. I’d date her as well in a second if I didn’t think it better that I don’t. Hell, it’s not as if I’ve been a perfect angel — I’ve shared one-night stands with all my bandmates, and after a while, I think we all liked it better that way.

But there was never a chance that I’d actually develop feelings for those women. There was never a chance that our lives would diverge, and we’d get hurt when it became clear we couldn’t be together.

“I’m good, thanks,” I tell her, even though every molecule in my body is screaming at me to go with her like I want to. “I’m almost finished with this song, and I want to figure the rest out tonight before I lose it, you know?”

Larkin gives me a disappointed, puzzled look, her head cocked to one side. It’s like she’s trying to figure me out and can’t quite.

“You sure?” she asks.

I just nod.

“Have fun,” I say.

I’msurethey will. I’m sure that in an hour or so, I’ll be able to hear just how much fun they’re having, and I’ll regret not joining them with every fiber of my being.

But it’s just as well. I’ve already half fallen for Larkin; no sense in going the rest of the way when this can’t work out.

Larkin walks away, and I watch her go. Even beneath the bulky, shapeless form of the hotel bathrobe she’s beyond tempting, just from the way her body moves.

Stop it, I tell myself.You’re both going to get hurt, and you don’t need that.

It’ll be like Sasha, only worse.And can you imagine if the tabloids find out what’s going on here? You’ll never be able to leave your house again.

I finally tear my eyes from her as she walks around a corner and disappears. Knowing where she’s going, and knowing that I could have joined them and didn’t is the worst thing I think I’ve ever felt.

I head to our rehearsal room and lose myself to the music. After an hour, Cash pops his head in to see if I’m okay, and I tell him I am.

But I’m not. Not without Larkin, I’m not.

Chapter Twenty-One


Larkin holds up one hand,her skin practically glowing in the moonlight.

“I’m getting pruny,” she says. “Plus it’s cold, we should probably go in before too long.”

She doesn’t make a move to leave the hot springs, just rests her head back on my shoulder, her legs draped over Gavin’s lap. Her black bikini is somewhere on the rocks around here, though I can see the hotel bathrobe draped over a bench between here and the hotel.