Right. I didn’t go back to sleep last night, because it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out what that was, does it?Thatwas almost certainly my two bandmates sharing the girl we’ve all been lusting after for weeks now.
Andthatwas her sounding like she more than enjoyed being the center of attention.
It doesn’t matter how much snow I shovel, I can’t get it out of my mind: the way she sounded when she came, the thought of her with two men at once.
The thought that she seemedquitehappy with two men at once. I didn’t dare think that Larkin might be willing and interested in that, but now…?
Well, evidence is evidence, isn’t it?
* * *
An hour later,half the driveway is clear and I’m just about dead from exertion. The itch still isn’t scratched, but I’m coming to be convinced that it’s not an itch that shoveling snow can scratch at all.
In fact, I’m increasingly certain that it’s an itch that only Larkin can scratch.
I head back inside, depositing the snow shovel in the garden and stripping off my now-sweaty layers, down to a thin white undershirt that’s completely stuck to me with sweat. I make for my room, because while I’m fairly certain that a long, hot shower won’t give me relief, I think rubbing one out in there might give me a few hours’ respite.
I’ve got my key in the lock when Larkin’s door opens, just down the hall, and I turn.
Dalton steps out, turning back to say something to someone still inside.
Then Cash steps out. Almost as one, they see me. Dalton nods, his orange hair bobbing in front of his face, and Cash grins.
Yup. I was right about last night for sure.
Finally, Larkin comes out, saying something to them.
When she sees me, she stops mid-sentence, her eyes lighting on mine, and she blushes. Then she bites her lip and quickly looks down, checking that she’s got her door key before closing it behind her.
There’s something about that blush that absolutely lights a fire in me. There’s something about that blush that makes me want to push her up against the wall right here, right now, taste her lips and possess her body.
She knows that I know. She blushes like she wants me too, like she’s thought about me doing to her what they did.
I decide, right then and there, that I’m going to.
Larkin’s going to be mine. Ours. Hey, I don’t mind sharing.
“Hey, Gavin,” she says brightly as she walks past me, toward the elevator. She’s smiling and still blushing, and I can’t stop replaying the sound of her climax in my head.
“Morning,” I say, nodding.
“You already worked out?” she asks, her eyes drifting over my body, the shirt clinging to my muscled chest.
Dalton and Cash exchange a glance as she checks me out, right in front of them, as something unspoken buzzes between the three of us.
This could work. This could be perfect.
“Shoveled half the drive,” I tell them. “You know ten percent of all heart attacks happen while shoveling snow?”
I made that statistic up, but I heard something like it once.
“Be careful,” she says, finally looking me in the eye again. “Hard to get help out here.”
“I wouldn’t mind it if you nursed me back to health,” I say. “In fact, maybe I’ll jump off the roof or something.”
I wink at her. She blushes a shade darker, but she laughs.
“Don’t bother, I’m an absolutely terrible nurse,” she says. “Tea later?”