“He does? Your American taxes?”
“Yup,” I confirm. “Honestly, we should probably have an accountant and a whole team of lawyers, but he keeps swearing that it’s fairly simple despite everything, and you can’t beat free, so…”
I shrug. Larkin pops another bite of popcorn into her mouth and tilts her head, considering Gavin again as Dalton hands most of his money over to our guitarist.
It’s been two days since I heard her with him, and I’ve only gotten her alone once, underneath the grand staircase in the lobby. From the way she kissed me then Iknowshe wanted more, but then Gavin called us to dinner and we all headed in.
But every time she looks at me, she blushes, then glances away. I can tell thatshethinks it’s awkward that she’s been with both Dalton and me, even if neither of us feel that way.
Hell, I’d be happy to share her with Gavin and Slate, too. I’ve seen the way that Gavin looks at her — I can see the way he’s looking at herright now, and I know he brings her tea every afternoon — and even Slate’s not blind. Besides, I’m sure he’ll come out of his self-imposed shell soon.
I’ve shared women with both them. They wereintoit, make no mistake.
But first, I think it’s up to Dalton and me to make sure that Larkin doesn’t feel awkward anymore.
And I think I know exactly how.
Chapter Twelve
I’m watchingTV when there’s a knock on my door, and my heart freezes. There are only four people it could be, and if I had to guess I’d narrow that down even further to two.
I tighten my fluffy hotel bathrobe around myself, wishing I were wearing more under it than a tank top and panties, and head to the door, wondering which of them it’ll be.
I peek through the peephole, but all I see is white and gold. Slowly, the object pulls back until I can clearly tell that’s it’s a label on a green bottle.
A green champagne bottle.
Held up by Cash.
Who’s standing there with Dalton.
My stomach tries to strangle my heart, and I stand there stock-still, wondering if I should open the door or pretend to be asleep already or not even there or—
“We can hear you right on the other side,” Dalton calls, grinning. “You gonna let us in or not? We brought gifts.”
I take a deep breath, hope that I don’t have paint in my hair, tighten the bathrobe one more time, and open the door.
Cash is leaning against the doorframe, holding the champagne by the neck, and Dalton’s upright, his hands in his back pockets.
“Hey, guys,” I say, as casually as I possibly can.
“Can we come in?” Cash asks, holding up the champagne bottle. “Or are you gonna make us celebrate out here?”
I think all my internal organs flutter, but I let them in. Obviously neither one is mad at me for anything — they both seem like they’re in a great mood, so what can it hurt?
That said, I’m so far out of my comfort zone that my head is spinning.
I’m sort of dating two guys at once?
And they both know?
And they’re fine with it? No — they’rehappyabout it?
And they both just showed up at my room with a bottle of champagne and grins on their very handsome faces?
This could be that one fantasy coming true, I think.You know, the one where they both—