“Might have?”

“I’ve been hoping it’s a really nice fake,” she explains. “Rugs are great, but I don’t think bears need to die to make them.”

I just nod, still waking up, and I roll toward her and kiss her on the shoulder. She’s warm and soft, the blankets down around her lower back. I can just barely see the lace border of her panties peeking out, my fingers already itching to sneak under it.

Stop it. She must be sore or something.

“How’d you sleep?” she asks.

“Unbelievably,” I tell her, kissing her shoulder again, letting my fingers trail down her back. “I think I slept enough for two men.”

Larkin just looks at me for a moment, her beautiful eyes considering me. I lower my lips again, kissing her twice: her shoulder, her back.

I’m hard as a rock, and Iwanther. I want her here, alone, just the two of us. I loved every minute of last night but I’m also greedy sometimes, and right now, I want Larkin to myself.

“Slate,” she murmurs.

I kiss her again, closer to the back of her neck, and she ducks her head, showing me more skin.

“We’re okay, right?” Larkin asks.

That stops me.

“Of course we are,” I say, wrapping my arm around her waist. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

Larkin sighs, her eyes dropping. She worries her lip with her teeth before she answers me.

“Because after we kissed that first time you ran off, and I thought it was something about me,” she says quietly. “And I didn’t want you to get …peer pressured… into last night.”

Peer pressured.

I lower my face to her skin and laugh, raising goosebumps.

“That’s a hell of a peer pressure scenario,” I say. “No, Larkin, that’s not it. And I didn’t run off because of something about you.”

Under the blankets, her hips move, shifting upwards, and my cock responds in kind.

“I ran off because things ended very badly with my last girlfriend, and I didn’t want to let myself get hurt again,” I say quietly. “I tried not to fall for you, but obviously I’ve failed. I can’t help myself around you, Larkin.”

This time I kiss her on the lips, her back arching as I skim my hand down it.

“I daresay none of us can, actually,” I tease. “But I was the only one foolish enough to think I could deny my heart.”

“I don’t know what she did, but I swear I’ll do my best,” Larkin says. “Though I’ve never exactly been in this situation before.”

“None of us has,” I tell her. “I think Cash and Dalton did date the same girl once.”

I swallow, wondering how much to tell her.

But this is Larkin. This is our girl. I have to.

“We’ve all shared women before,” I say quickly. “Not as girlfriends. Not like this, just as one-night stands. Groupies, mostly, that sort of thing. But we’ve never all fallen for the same girl.”

There’s a quiet beat.

“Not like we’ve fallen for you.”

“I’ve never done this either,” she murmurs. “I was so worried at first, thinking that I had crushes on four men at once, but…”