Declan ignored the question. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
Drew nodded. “I would love some water. And do you have anything for the pain? Anything at all?”
“I’m sure Ezra’s got something around here. I’ll go find it.” He shoved himself out of the chair. “Anything else?”
Drew gingerly touched the stitches on his forehead. “Who fixed me up, Deck?”
“I’ll explain, I promise. Let me get you some food and pain meds. Then we’ll talk. I have questions for you too.”
Everybody was awake and in the kitchen. Walsh sat at the table, checking something on his phone; Murphy leaned against the counter drinking coffee; and Conor was at the sink, washing dishes.
“Did Ezra put you to work?” Declan asked.
Conor laughed. “Yeah. Is Drew awake?”
“Awake, hungry, thirsty, and in pain.”
“We’ve got eggs, toast, and coffee,” Conor said. “I’ll ask Ezra if she’s got pain meds.”
“Did anybody take Olivia something to eat?”
Conor nodded. “Ezra did.”
“Do me a favor,” Declan said. “Bring her to Drew’s room in about twenty minutes.”
“Will do, boss,” Conor replied.
Declan turned to Walsh and Murphy. “I want the two of you to spend some time checking small towns in Ohio. That’s where we’re headed next. Find me our next job.”
Murphy straightened up. “We’re gonna do another job?”
“Yeah, we are. Find me a place in Ohio. I want an answer by the end of the day.” Declan grabbed a plate, loaded it with food, then took two bottles of water from the fridge. “Twenty minutes, Conor.”
Back upstairs, Declan coaxed Drew into eating the eggs and a few bites of toast. He downed the water and asked for more. Declan waited until his brother had eaten before he started asking questions.
“How’d you get out?” Declan asked.
Drew took a sip of water. “Ruth. She put me in the back of a delivery truck. I got to downtown Boston and then hitchhiked my way here. There was nowhere else I could think of going. I knew Ezra would help me.”
“Who beat the shit out of you?”
“Clyde’s men.” Drew shifted in the bed, grimacing in pain as he did. “It was supposed to be a message to you.”
“A message?” Declan said.
Drew nodded. “Yeah. When they showed up at the safe house and you weren’t there, I guess Clyde lost his mind. He had a couple of his goons take me down to the stables and beat the shit out of me. They took a bunch of pictures with their phones, said Clyde would send them to you. When Ruth got a look at me, she helped me get out. She said she couldn’t stand by any longer while Clyde destroyed another family.”
“Does Clyde know Ruthie helped you?” Declan asked.
“I don’t think so,” Drew replied. “God, I hope he doesn’t. I couldn’t handle it if he hurt her. She’s a good woman, Deck.”
Declan nodded. “I know. She’s invaluable.”
“When are you going to answer my question?” Drew asked. “Who fixed me up?”
Before Declan could answer, there was a light tap on the door, and Olivia entered with Conor right behind her.
Drew smiled as best he could with his split lip. “Conor. It’s good to see you.”