Declan didn’t let go, couldn’t let go. God, this felt good. He wanted to kill Clyde, choke the life right out of him, except his brother’s voice broke through the fog in his brain.

“Declan, stop,” Drew said calmly. “If you don’t, you won’t save Olivia.” His younger brother’s hand fell on Declan’s shoulder, and he leaned over him. “Let him go, Deck. We’ll do what he asks. It will save her life.”

Declan released Clyde and fell backward, taking Conor with him. Clyde coughed and sputtered as the air rushed back into his lungs, his face beet red. Conor jumped up, grabbed Clyde, and dragged him to his feet. He forced the mob boss down the hall to the dining room.

Declan climbed to his feet and stared at his brother. “He’ll never let us go. He’ll kill us, and then he’ll kill Liv. We can’t trust him.”

Drew glanced down the hall, then he lowered his voice. “I know, Deck,” he whispered. “But we have to try. We can’t let her end up like Sarah.”

Declan groaned. If he didn’t do what Clyde wanted, that was exactly what would happen. Clyde would kill Olivia and take her away from him. He couldn’t let that happen. He had just gotten her back.

“You’re right,” Declan muttered. “Goddamn it!” He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Let’s find out what the little worm wants.”

Clyde folded his hands on the table in front of him. “In three days, Sean O’Reilly is moving a large shipment of money and drugs out of Boston, south to Providence. I want that shipment.”

Conor laughed. “You want us to steal a shipment of drugs and money from the O’Reilly family? You’re joking, right?”

Clyde made a face and cleared his throat. “I don’t joke, Conor.”

“Then you’ve lost your mind,” Declan interjected.

“No, I haven’t,” Clyde said. “I know the route, the time, and the day, even the number of men who will be involved in moving it. I know everything. Every piece of information I have, I’ll give to you. You will do the rest.”

“I don’t understand,” Declan said. “You are the heir apparent in the Muldoon family. Why risk all-out war between the Muldoons and O’Reillys by stealing a shipment from the O’Reilly family?”

Clyde scrubbed a hand over his face. “I want my uncle out of the picture. For good.”

Declan rested his hands on the table and took a deep breath. “You want Donovan Muldoon gone?”

Clyde nodded. “Yes. I am sick of being under my uncle’s thumb. Donovan Muldoon will never die. That asshole is going to live fucking forever. And as long as he’s alive, I will be forever beholden to him. He constantly reminds me it’s his money, his men, his home, all of it is his. I need something that is mine. Mine.” He slammed his fists on the table. “I’m sick of begging my uncle for everything I need. This is my way of taking control.”

Conor snorted. “That’s what all of this has been about? You don’t want to ask your uncle to pay for your coffee anymore?”

“Fuck you, Sullivan.” Clyde clenched his fists and took a deep breath. “Declan? What’s it going to be? Is Olivia going to live or die?”

Declan closed his eyes. If he killed Clyde, he would never find Olivia. But he wasn’t sure he could trust the mobster.

“I’ve heard this shit before,” Declan said. “Then you killed my little sister and held my brother hostage for a year. Forgive me if I don’t trust you.”

Clyde shrugged. “I understand, Declan, I do. All I can do is promise you that this will be the last time. You’ll have to take my word for it.”

Declan had no choice. He had to save Olivia.

“Okay,” Declan whispered. “I’ll do it.”

Clyde rose to his feet, a victorious smile on his face. “I expect you to be in Boston by tomorrow night. I’ll be waiting.” He straightened the cuffs beneath the sleeves of his jacket as he stepped away from the table. He stopped in the doorway to look back at the three men sitting at the dining room table. “I’ll see you in Boston, boys.”

The dining room was silent, even after the front door closed behind Clyde. Conor jumped to his feet and paced the room, muttering under his breath.

Declan turned to his brother. “Do you know anything about this job, Drew? Anything at all?”

“You hear a lot when no one thinks you’re listening,” Drew said. “Clyde has been talking about this job for weeks. He has a man inside, working with the O’Reillys. That’s why he knows everything about this shipment. Donovan Muldoon does not know what Clyde has planned.”

“Do you know the man inside?” Conor asked.

Drew shook his head. “No. Clyde was careful never to mention his name. I don’t think anybody but Clyde knows who it is.”

“He wants us in Boston,” Conor interjected. “That means he’s taking Olivia to Boston. He’ll want her close.”