The hit came from behind, hard enough to shove her into the stove. The kettle toppled over, hot water leaking from the spot and splashing onto her bare feet. She screamed as her legs gave out and she fell, hitting the wooden floor. Her chin hit so hard, her teeth slammed together, and she bit her tongue, the coppery taste of blood filling her mouth. Olivia tried to push herself to her hands and knees, but before she could, a hand fisted her hair and yanked her head back.

Walsh leered at her. He pulled her to her feet, using her hair, ignoring her whimper of pain. The grin on his face made her blood run cold.

“Hi there, Liv,” Walsh said. “I know someone who is eager to see you.”

Olivia moaned. She closed her eyes and, in a split second, made a decision. She grabbed Walsh’s wrist with both hands, holding it tight as she brought her knee up and hit Walsh in the groin.

Walsh went down with a loud grunt, his hand falling out of Olivia’s hair as he dropped to one knee. She pushed him backward, stepped over him, and sprinted for the door. Her hip hit the edge of the kitchen table, sending the mugs to the floor with a crash of broken glass. She ran into the swinging door with both hands out and sprinted down the hall, not looking back. She darted into the library. Ezra was sprawled on the floor, facedown, blood pooling under her head. Olivia couldn’t tell if she was alive or dead, but she didn’t have time to check. She needed a weapon, and she needed it now.

Olivia spun in a circle, looking around the room. On the floor, next to Ezra, was the only thing she could think of using. She snatched up one of the knitting needles and spun around. Walsh stood in the doorway.

“You fucking bitch,” he growled. He charged.

Olivia swung the knitting needle at him, praying she could jam it into his eye or maybe his ear. Instead, she embedded it deep in his upper arm. Blood poured down his arm, staining his white shirt. Walsh screamed, a horrifying, guttural sound that made Olivia’s skin crawl.

Walsh pressed a hand to his arm and when he saw the blood on his fingers, another growl left him. He lunged, grabbed Olivia’s upper arm, drew back his fist, and punched her in the jaw. She stumbled back and went down, her head hitting the edge of the table by the couch. Black spots filled her vision, and then everything faded away.

Chapter 19


Conor pulled into the small driveway at the back of the house. The rain had stopped an hour ago while they were gone. The sun was out, and it glistened on the droplets of rain sprinkled across the grass.

Declan climbed out of the car. He pulled his hat down low on his head and hurried up the driveway through the back gate. He didn’t want to chance anyone seeing him. Conor stayed close behind him.

Declan was halfway across the yard when he noticed the back door stood wide open. He stopped and looked over every inch of the back of the house, searching for anything that might be out of place. He broke into a run, sprinting across the grass and up the porch steps. As he entered the kitchen, he drew his gun from its holster.

Someone knocked over the tea kettle, and water leaked onto the stove and formed a puddle beneath it. Several mugs were broken on the floor. Declan cleared the kitchen, then he slowly pushed open the swinging kitchen door and eased into the hall. The hallway was empty. He eased down the hall to the library.

Drew was in the library, sitting on the floor with Ezra’s head in his lap. She had blood caked in her hair and dripping down the side of her face. Declan had never seen her so pale.

“Jesus Christ, Deck, thank God you’re here,” Drew said. “They hurt Ezra pretty bad. I think she needs an ambulance.”

Declan dropped to a knee beside her and pressed two fingers to the side of her throat. Her pulse was faint, but at least she was alive.

“Ezra?” he whispered. “Ezra, can you hear me?”

“Declan?” Conor yelled from the back of the house.

“I’m in the library,” Declan called over his shoulder. A few seconds later, Conor appeared in the doorway.

“Oh, shit. Is she alive?” Conor asked.

Declan nodded. “Barely.” He turned to his brother. “Where’s Liv?”

“I don’t know,” Drew muttered. “I was in the shower. When I got out, I felt that something was not right. I came downstairs and found Ezra like this. I called Liv’s name, but—.”

“She’s not here,” Declan finished. “Fuck.”

Ezra moaned, and her eyelids fluttered.

Declan leaned over her. “Ezra, can you tell me what happened?”

“Walsh,” she mumbled.

“Walsh? Did Walsh do this to you?”

Ezra tried to nod, but it must have hurt because as soon as she moved her head, she let out a long, loud moan. She sucked in a shaky breath. “He was here. Hit me and knocked me out.” She pressed a hand to her head and winced. “Why … why is my head wet?”