Page 36 of Fury

“Any other security on site?” I pulled my stare away from the tree line to study the building.

“Already taken care of.” Pete shrugged when I looked his way. “Whoever these guys are, they took out the night guard already. Not a death blow but the guy won’t be getting up anytime soon.”

Not a death blow? These were not Sal’s guys for sure, then. I scanned the forest one more time… Out there was another story.

“We need to speed this up. Assume these guys are friendlies, likely sent by Kane or Gareth. Time to introduce ourselves and get Andrew out of there.”

Sal’s guys were here—watching, waiting, definitely stalking. They were staying back while all the work was done for them, just like my guys had been planning. I noted the expansive wide open parking lot. If we needed to battle, I didn’t want it to happen in the open. I turned to the fence in the distance that encircled the sanctuary where our primal brethren—wolves, coyotes, foxes—were being cared for. If we had to battle, I wanted it to happen inside the fence.

I had an idea.

I motioned to Pete to take the flank and keep watch while Devon, Keith and I jogged around the back of the building toward the sound of metal crunching metal. Now that I was within range, the sound was unmistakable.

The others shifted to wolves, moving stealthily toward the racket, then fanned out to surround the werewolves who were attempting to cut through the wire.

I lifted my hands as I purposely stepped on a branch, alerting the other men of my presence.

“We come in peace.” I flashed one of my more charming smiles, which did nothing to disarm the weres in front of me.

Two instantly dropped to all fours, shifting from men to beasts in a flash. The two others leveled guns that I could only assume were loaded with silver.

My guys were just behind, hunkering low and keeping their scents downwind.

“Kane send you?” I watched as their faces registered surprise, followed quickly by suspicion. “You all formerly with Gareth’s pack?” Now with Charlie went without saying.

“Who’s asking?” The bigger of the two barked with a nod to his gun.

“Johnny Duke. We’re on the same side.” I motioned over my shoulder. “As much as I’d love to get to know you all, Sal Larsen’s mercs are closing in. We’ve got maybe two minutes to fetch our target before the bad guys try to put us all out of our miseries.”

The two with the guns exchanged looks.

“Our alpha told us to bring Andrew to her and Kane. She didn’t say anything about you being here.” The guy talking lowered his gun slightly, as if not quite ready to believe me.

I brandished my throat, pointing to my tattoo. “She’s my alpha, too, now…and my mate. Charlie wants Andrew alive for questioning, and I’m here to make sure it happens. Consider me backup.” I waved my men forward.

They skulked out of the trees, muzzles to the ground, eyes alert.

“Now, like I said, Sal’s thugs are here, and they want blood. I’d prefer it not be ours.”

As if my words were enough to conjure them, a dozen beefed-up, armed-to-the-teeth henchmen came strolling out from the parking lot. “Well, well, I see we’re just in time for a party. Johnny Duke, what the devil are you doing here?” Wade Johnson, one of Sal’s better-known soldiers for hire turned Larsen lieutenant, was leading the pack. He was as badass as they came—shoot to kill then disembowel for good measure, all without breaking a sweat. “I know Sal doesn’t have you on the payroll.”

“Nope, not working for Sal. But how about we take care of this little problem for you. Save you the trouble of getting your muzzles all bloody.” I knew negotiating with these guys was going to get me nowhere, but Devon and Pete had already slipped into the sanctuary along with two of Charlie’s guys. I needed to buy them some time to find Andrew.

“You know that’s not how this is going to go down, Johnny.” He slid his gun into a holster on his chest. “But we don’t need things to get nasty, either. How about you and your guys head back to your vehicle and leave the hard work for us. We’ll show you the body as a courtesy. I know how Kane likes to maintain law and order, but the bounty is ours.”

I frowned, realizing that Wade thought Kane was working as sheriff to our kind, a role he once did aspire to, way before he became the alpha he was today. What did that make me? His deputy? I stifled a snort. These guys had no idea how powerful Kane was, how much he’d amassed to date. Which meant that their boss, Sal Larsen, was also under the delusion that the Duke clan was scrambling to secure a place among the elite of our kind, not realizing, of course, that we were already there.

“Well, you know how Kane gets with the rules.” I played it up, hardly able to contain my smirk. “I’ve got some questions for Andrew before you take him out.”

Wade scratched his chin, frowned then shook his head. “Can’t allow that, I’m afraid. Sal was very clear…no talking, just head detachment.” He drew his gun again. “You understand, of course. Justice comes first when it’s about exposure. We’d be willing to let you do the cleanup. Take care of the security guard and scrub the place for evidence. Sal will throw you some cash.” He rested one hand on his second holster like this was a casual conversation. Trying to let me know he wasn’t intimidated by me but really, his gesture meant he totally was. “But the target is a dead man.”

“That’s a generous offer, Wade.” I sighed and rubbed my hand over the back of my neck. “But that’s not going to work for me. I need the guy alive.”

“I guess we have a problem after all, then, don’t we?” He pulled his second gun then pointed it at my chest while he aimed the other in the general direction of my backup. “I don’t want trouble, Johnny, but if you get between me and my bounty, I’ll have to put you down, too. You know how the law goes.”

Finders keepers.

“I’d like to see you try.” A ripple of something unfamiliar coursed through me, vibrating my muscles like a spasm.