Page 58 of Fury

My orgasm exploded again and again. A night sky full of fireworks flashed across my eyes. Spasms carried me over the edges, making me moan until my throat was hoarse. Levi followed first, groaning into my mouth as he filled me up with his cum. My pussy dripped as he pulled out to spew more of his load on my stomach while Johnny finished with hard, deep thrusts, spilling inside, a jet of heat that seared my pussy.

We collapsed into a tangled heap once again, finally satiated enough for sleep to pull us under just as we were.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Groveling Andrew was not my favorite version of my stepbrother, but it was one I was resigned to endure now that he was Levi’s minion.

He found me in the study with Johnny, escorted by a few members of the Duke pack, and had prostrated himself like he was praying to his new god…me. He held a stack of plastic covered sheets, offered up like a sacrifice.

“I got them, just as you asked. They’re all here—the ones Sal had, anyway. I personally checked.”

Gareth was in the infirmary with Levi. He’d taken a silver bullet to the gut and was being treated for the poison spread. I had cut off his pain with a simple thought almost immediately, an act of mercy I could give to those bitten by me. One I knew that he knew, I could take back at any time. His sappy gratitude had been almost nauseating. I’d cut the volume of that off, too.

Ruby had been moved to a comfortable suite on the third floor. Her watchmen, Lex, Ari and Rue were taking turns keeping an eye on her. The sedation we’d been administering, along with my pulses of calm sent through our threaded link, had been keeping her stable and mostly out of it, but the full moon was a day away, and the true effect of my bite was yet to be seen.

For now, we needed to figure out the part of the story that my stepbrother knew and we didn’t.

Johnny took the scrolls then placed them on the long table where the ones we had lay.

“You’re dismissed, Andrew, but stay close. We might need you again,” Levi said as he walked in the room. He had the man by the balls, using his bite connection to Andrew in a more dominating way than was usual—a necessary evil for the time being, until we decided what we wanted Andrew’s role to be in the pack.

“Yes, of course. I’ll be in the kitchen, if that’s okay? I haven’t eaten since—”

“Just go, Andrew. You don’t need to ask permission to feed yourself, for fuck’s sake,” Levi snapped, a tired whip to his voice.

Andrew bowed as he walked out of the room, and I rolled my eyes at Johnny. “What the fuck did Levi do to him?”

“Not enough I’m sure,” Johnny laughed. He was bent over the table, studying the depictions on the scrolls. “I think I have them in order now.”

I followed the path of his finger as he pointed along the story before us.

“Three bite marks here,” I noted.

Johnny shifted the next picture closer. “Is that what you’ll look like after you have Kane’s bite?” The picture showed a beastly female glowing like she was radioactive.

“Fuck, I hope not.” I squinted. “Is she flying?”

“Floating? She’s definitely not touching the ground.” Levi squeezed in between us, taking the scroll from Johnny.

“That’s got to be figurative.” I hoped.

“Maybe you’ll be floating on a high because you’re bonded with the Duke brothers,” Johnny teased, a swat to my ass behind Levi’s back made me yelp.

Levi cocked an eyebrow but didn’t peel his eyes from the picture in his hand.

“Look though…here.” Johnny pointed to the next picture. “If that isn’t Sal…”

A black wolf was on the hunt, chasing the beast. It gave me a chill. The uncanny similarity to my stepbrother put a knot in my stomach.

“Why is she running if she’s all powerful?” Levi frowned as he took the next scroll from Johnny.

“He’s got something in his teeth.” I pointed at what looked like a knife with gems. It shone from the black wolf’s mouth like it was reflecting moonlight. “Maybe it’s a talisman or something.” Familiarity hit like a smack upside the head. “Dad had something like this in one of the display cases in his den.” I remembered always wanting to touch it, but my father wouldn’t let me get near it. “Fuck, I’d forgotten about it.”

“All right, so it’s safe to say that Sal has figured out a way to put these pieces together—and that that blade might be a means of hurting you.” Levi dropped the scroll, hunting for the next one.

“I can’t see how… It’s just a knife.” I didn’t want to believe the parts of this story that were evolving into something fantastical. A knife meant to kill me? In my father’s possession? No, he’d never be so careless. “Even if it was silver…it wouldn’t—”