Page 96 of Stubborn Heart

“I asked him to leave, but it was Wyatt who told him he was falling in love with me.”

Brooke let out a squeal of delight. “Oh, I love this. What happened next? How did Tristan react?”

I started at the beginning, giving them specific details about what Tristan had said before he realized Wyatt was in the house. I went out to share how the conversation progress, why Wyatt stepped in, and how Tristan reacted but ultimately left with his tail tucked between his legs.

“Wow, I would have loved to have been here to see that,” Emily said.

“Maybe. But considering I asked him if he’d been telling Tristan the truth when he said he loved me, and Wyatt confirmed he couldn’t stop thinking about me, I couldn’t hold myself back. I all but attacked him, and we wound up having sex practically all day. We only stopped for food breaks and to have one or two conversations. It was so good.”

Once I’d gotten out those words, I wasn’t surprised to see both of my friends staring back at me with smiles on their faces.

“How great is this?” Brooke asked. “We’re all in love, and it just feels like it’s finally happening. I think these guys are going to be the ones.”

“You’re crazy, Brooke,” I noted.

“Why? Tell me you aren’t the happiest you’ve been in your whole life when you’re with him,” she demanded.

I couldn’t do that, because she was right.

I was the happiest I’d been in my whole life when I was with Wyatt.

He just made everything better in ways I never thought a man would be able to do for me.

Without me needing to say a word, they knew, and Emily didn’t hesitate to point it out. “She’s the happiest she’s ever been with the guy who has better hair than her.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Then I demanded, “Alright, alright. Enough about me. What’s going on with the two of you?”

Brooke wasn’t shy about sharing. “Oh, we’re also the happiest we’ve ever been in our lives, too. Countless orgasms from men who are so attentive in every way imaginable will do that to you, though.”

“Oooh, I’m intrigued. Tell me everything.”

And that’s just what they did.

For the next several hours, my two best friends and I shared the wonderful things that were happening in our lives with one another, and I couldn’t have been happier for us. After years and years of heartbreak among the three of us, it was so nice for all of us to be in the same place.

More than anything, I hoped Brooke was right.

I hoped we had all finally found the one.



“Wow. You look so pretty today.”

I stepped forward, lifted my arms over Wyatt’s shoulders, and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Does that mean you don’t think I look pretty every day?”

His arms tightened around my waist. “That’s not what I meant at all, my stubborn girl. You’re gorgeous every day, but I just wasn’t expecting this look today.”

I couldn’t say I didn’t understand why he’d said what he did, and for the most part, I’d simply been teasing him. I’d certainly taken the time to put a bit more effort into my look today, believe Wyatt might think it looked cute.

“I’m just teasing you,” I assured him. “Before I got ready this morning, I stepped outside and realized it’s really starting to feel like spring, so I wanted to wear a cute dress.”

He smiled at me as his hands roamed up and down my sides. “I’m not sure that cute was the first word that came to mind when you opened the door, but I will say that this look is not going to go unappreciated today.”

“I’m glad you like it.”