Page 55 of Stubborn Heart

“Going to dinner?” he countered. His voice held an edge of concern.

Although his attention was focused on the road, I still shrugged before I explained, “It’s not that going to dinner is the problem. I just mean that us arriving together probably isn’t wise.”

“Why is that?”

“Well, I fully intend to stand my ground on this whole thing, and I don’t want you to think that because we’ve become friendlier with one another as of late that I’m keen on changing my mind,” I answered. “I truly don’t see this going the way you hope that it will.”

If nothing else, I had to give myself a bit of credit for being honest and up front with him about that.

“I understand where your mindset is, Rhea,” he promised. “In fact, while I am prepared to share Westwood’s plans, I’m not expecting you to have any answers for me tonight. I believe you’ll want to take some time to think it over and talk with your family first.”

Shaking my head, I retorted, “That’s just it. I already know where we stand.”

Wyatt didn’t seem the least bit concerned. He glanced over at me, smiled, and shrugged. “Fair enough.”

Both of my brows shot up just before he turned his attention back to the road. “And that doesn’t bother you?”


“Why not?”

In a move I hadn’t been expecting or prepared for, Wyatt reached across the center console, curled his fingers around my forearm, and gave me a squeeze. “Because even if there will be talk about business tonight, I’m really just looking forward to being able to spend some time with you.”

A lump formed in my throat.

I had officially become the worst person I knew, because I’d led Wyatt to believe there was the potential for something more here. Or, at the very least, I’d given him reason to believe I was softening toward him to the point he could make that effort with me.

If I could have swallowed past the pain in my aching throat, I might have found a way to clarify my position.

But I didn’t, and I could admit I didn’t know if I was relieved I didn’t have to tell him or terrified I hadn’t.

Throughout the remainder of the drive, Wyatt had spoken to me about my day. I appreciated that he’d shifted the topic there, because it helped to take the pressure off and pass the time.

The next thing I knew, we’d arrived at the restaurant, were seated across from one another, and had given our orders to the server after she’d brought us our drinks.

Not wanting to risk the conversation going anywhere other than where I’d been planning for it to go all day long, I decided it was best for me to steer us there.

“So, I think it’s best for us to cut to the chase. What is Westwood’s doing now that they want a piece of the Marks family farmland?” I questioned him.

There was no animosity in my tone, and Wyatt seemed amused by the way I’d presented the question to him.

Following a beat of silence, he revealed, “Well, I don’t know how much you know about Westwood’s and all that we have to offer there, but we’re always looking for ways to give our guests an unforgettable experience. Currently, that means we’re looking to do a major expansion on the theme park.”

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, I felt my body tense.

No way.

No freaking way.

There wasn’t going to be a need for me to talk to anyone in my family, because I refused to see a theme park being built on my family’s land. We liked people, and we understood the importance of making those who supported your business happy, but there wasn’t a chance we’d ever want the kind of crowds Westwood’s saw taking over our farmland. It wouldn’t be good for us or our livestock.

I didn’t want to be rude, but I was going to have to communicate it very clearly to him just how badly my family would be against having that land destroyed by a theme park.

God, I could only imagine what it would do to the memories my family had made. My grandparents, my parents… me.

Deciding it was best to hear him out completely, I figured it was not only the smart thing but also the kind thing to ask Wyatt a few questions.

“You’re planning to expand the theme park?” I questioned him, wanting to be sure I understood him correctly.