Page 25 of Stubborn Heart

“I don’t think so, considering she looks to be somewhere in her mid-twenties.”

The corners of Ivy’s mouth tipped up. “So, you like her?”


Ivy rolled her eyes. “Don’t play that game with me, Wyatt. I know how you operate, and while I don’t doubt you’ll do what you’ve got to do to get the job done, I don’t think you’re the kind of guy who waits around for things to happen. You make them happen, and you do it with efficiency and ease. The fact it’s been more than a week since we got word they weren’t interested, and you are admitting things aren’t going as smoothly as you’d like tells me there’s something else going on.”

It was useless to try to fight it. “Alright, alright. So, I might be a little intrigued by her.”

My sister grinned at me. “Does Cooper know?”

I shook my head.

“Liam?” she pressed.


Narrowing her eyes, she assessed me. “Have you lost your mind?”


“Wyatt, please understand how much I love you when I say this, but you are crazy to come here without good news to report to Cooper, especially if you intend to tell him everything you’ve just told me. He’s going to figure it out, and he’s not going to be thrilled to know the project rests on you being able to convince this woman you’ve become infatuated with to part with her family’s land,” Ivy pointed out.

I held my hands up in surrender and reasoned, “At least I’m coming here to update him in person, instead of calling him for a meeting in my office.”

“You don’t honestly believe that’s going to make it any better,” she fired back.

I sighed.

She was right.

Cooper was going to lose his mind.

As I stood there contemplating how I could avoid stressing him out more than he already typically was, Ivy spoke again. Only, she wasn’t talking to me.

“Hey, Marco,” she said.

I twisted my neck to the side to see that Cooper’s best friend, Marco, had walked up.

“Hi, Ivy,” he replied before turning his attention to me. “Wyatt. How’s it going?”

“As good as can be expected. You?”

“Life’s great for me, man,” he shared.

If there was one thing that always seemed to baffle me, it was how it was possible for someone like Marco to be best friends with someone like Cooper. We’d had a couple of people who’d become almost like honorary members of our family, and Marco was one of them. But he was the exact opposite of Cooper when it came to his attitude and demeanor. Marco was laidback, friendly, and didn’t take things too seriously. He always just went with the flow. Maybe that was why it was a good thing he worked as second in command beneath Cooper on all things construction and maintenance related here at Westwood’s. Marco’s attitude was precisely what someone needed to be able to get through what seemed like endless projects.

“That’s good to hear. I’m glad.”

“I just finished up something I was working on and was heading down to meet Coop, but I saw you standing here, and I thought I’d come over to say hello.”

“Maybe you should escort Wyatt,” Ivy chimed in.

We turned our attention to her as Marco asked, “Escort him where?”

“Down to meet with Cooper. Wyatt has to tell our brother that he hasn’t exactly made any progress on the expansion project,” she explained.

Marco winced. “Oh, man. I’m sorry to hear that.”