Page 112 of Stubborn Heart

Wyatt held me for a long time, his hands stroking comfortingly up and down my back. It was not only sweet and tender, but it felt wholly undeserved. When I finally got myself under control, I kept my arms wrapped around Wyatt and looked up at his handsome face. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you never wanted to speak to me again.”

“There’s not a chance in the world of that ever happening,” he assured me.

“Do I even deserve you?” I asked.

He reached one hand up to brush away the hair stuck to the side of my face and smiled at me. “Let it go, Rhea.”

“But I thought the worst of you,” I argued.

“And I can see why. I mean, I didn’t tell you about your dad coming to see me a few days after we all had dinner together. I didn’t think it was worth mentioning, because I assumed he realized I wasn’t going to proceed with it. From where I stood, there was no point in getting you worked up about nothing,” he explained. “It’s done now. My dad and yours did what they did, and we have no choice in the matter. We can sit here and dwell on it, or we can just accept it.”

He was right.

Neither one of us could change what was already done, so the best thing we could do was accept what our fathers had done for us and see it as the blessing they intended it to be.

“It’s probably better to accept it,” I agreed.

“Good. Now, can we talk about something else?”

“Okay. Sure.”

“How could you ever think I’d cheat on you?” he asked.

I bit my lip and shot him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. You were saying all these things that made me feel like you betrayed me in the most horrible way. I didn’t know what else it could be.”

Half of his mouth quirked up in a smile. At least he seemed to be in a good mood and was amused by my response. “Fair enough. But I need you to understand there will never be the chance I’d ever cheat on you. I’m not willing to risk the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“I don’t want to cry again,” I told him.

“So, don’t. Just be happy I love you,” he reasoned.

My arms tightened around his waist. “Do you have to go back to work?”

His eyes narrowed slightly. “I planned on it. Unless there was something you needed.”

I shrugged. “Well, I was just thinking, since we are now technically business partners, maybe we should have a celebratory afternoon together. I could close down the ice cream shop early today.”

Wyatt lifted an interested brow. “How are we going to celebrate?”

My lips twitched. “I think it’s only fair I make one last-ditch effort to show you how sorry I am for how I reacted earlier by using my mouth on some very specific parts of your body.”


I let out a sigh. “Okay. Fine. One specific part.”

He laughed. “I haven’t taken a half day of work in a long time. I think this is an excellent idea. Let’s lock this place up, and get this celebration started.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice.

I didn’t waste another minute.

I lifted onto my toes, pressed a kiss to his lips, and went about doing what needed to be done to lock up the place.

Then, I made sure I apologized in a way Wyatt would never doubt how sorry I was. And if I was honest, he didn’t hold back on letting me know how sorry he was.

And for the rest of the day, we seemed intent on showing just how much our relationship meant to each other.

We might have joked that we were celebrating a new business partnership, but the truth was that, no matter how much fun we had, there wasn’t anything that could come close to giving me the same feeling, knowing I simply had Wyatt in my life did.