Page 103 of Stubborn Heart

That had been one of the simple routines we’d fallen into with one another. Whenever Wyatt left my place, whether first thing in the morning like today, or in the evening if he came to spend some time with me after work, I always walked out onto the porch with him. We’d kiss and hug each other before he’d descend the stairs, walk to his car, and look back at me. Then he’d drive off, and I’d watch him go before walking back into the house.

“I love you,” he said, having just kissed me.

“I love you, too,” I returned, giving him a squeeze around the waist.

“Have fun tonight with your grandma. Win big.”

I laughed. “I’ll try.”

Wyatt kissed the tip of my nose, loosened his hold on me, and descended the stairs.

The next thing I knew, he was driving away, so he could head home and get himself ready for work.

I waited until I could no longer see his car before I turned and walked inside to get myself ready.

Then, I spent my day making and selling ice cream, doing my best not to think too much about how I could help Wyatt’s family with their project in a way that wouldn’t jeopardize my family.

“I’m a bit heartbroken, Rhea.”

My grandmother’s words had my body tensing. We’d arrived at bingo early tonight, so I wasn’t surprised she was striking up a conversation. I just hadn’t expected she’d have something upsetting to discuss. I placed my hand on her arm and asked, “Did something new happen with Grandpa?”

She shook her head. “No. He’s had quite a few good days, actually.”

Admittedly, I hadn’t spent as much time with my family as usual. I’d had dinner with them a few times over the last several weeks, but I had missed a couple of dinners when I’d made plans with Wyatt.

Since she’d indicated her heartbreak wasn’t about my grandfather, I wondered if perhaps my family was noticing my absence and growing concerned.

“Why are you heartbroken?” I questioned her.

“I just never thought you’d keep it from us.”


Shaking her head with disappointment, she said, “You know you live on the same farm as the rest of us, don’t you?”

My eyes narrowed slightly. “Of course. What’s this about?”

She let out a sigh. “Nobody wanted me to say anything to you. They wanted to wait for you to share it with us, but it’s been weeks. You haven’t said a word.”

Suddenly, my wheels started spinning. Was this about Wyatt? I didn’t want to jump to conclusions and put my foot in my mouth, but I knew I couldn’t ignore whatever this was about. So, I decided it would be best to let her tell me what was upsetting her and the rest of the family.

“I haven’t said a word about what?”

Her eyes got wet. “That you are pretending not to know what I’m talking about is even more heartbreaking. We know about the Westwood boy, Rhea. Nobody has been spying on you or anything, but your dad was out tending to the cows one morning weeks ago and saw him leaving your place.”


This wasn’t good.

When I made no move to speak, she pressed, “Why are you hiding your relationship?”

“I didn’t want any of you to worry,” I explained.

“We’re worried you’ve chosen not to be honest with us,” she returned. “Especially when you’ve always been that way with us. I thought he was a nice boy. I thought he’d want to meet your family.”

“Wyatt is nice,” I insisted. “I’m sure he’d be more than happy to meet all of you.”

“So, what are you waiting for?”