Page 101 of Stubborn Heart

Wyatt looked down at me, silently questioning me. It warmed my heart to know they wanted me to join them for their family dinner, so I offered a slight nod in return.

“We’ll be there together.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful,” Evelyn declared. “We can’t wait to have you over. We should let you get back to your tour, though. We’ll catch up with you both tomorrow.”

“Thank you for the invitation,” I replied.

As Wyatt and I started to walk back in the direction of the elevator, he stopped, looked back at his parents, and narrowed his eyes. “What are you two doing here on a Saturday?”

Evelyn looked nervous and guilty. “Oh, um, we were just here to?—”

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to, son,” Malcolm declared, cutting Evelyn off.

“Okay. I didn’t need to know that,” Wyatt bit out.

Malcolm burst out laughing, wrapping his wife up in his arms.

I bit my lip, attempting to stifle my own laughter.

Wyatt tugged on my hand and urged, “Come on, Rhea. Let’s get out of here.”

“We’ll see you tomorrow,” Malcolm called out to our departing backsides.

I attempted to wave at them, but Wyatt didn’t respond. Once we got back on the elevator, I looked up at Wyatt and grinned at him. “I’m sorry about that, Rhea.”

“Why? I think it’s great.”


I shrugged. “They are still very much in love with each other. My parents are the same way. I think we should consider ourselves lucky to have such wonderful role models for healthy marriages.”

He studied me a moment, something new and different washing over his expression. The next thing I knew, he was pulling me toward him, so he could hug me. Then he kissed the top of my head and said, “You’re right.”

And when the doors opened, Wyatt came through on his promise to show me a good time. We had so much fun, and it was a day I knew I wouldn’t soon forget.



“Have you figured it out yet?”

The question spilled out of me before I could stop it.

I was in my bed with Wyatt. It was early Tuesday morning, just over two weeks since he’d taken me to Westwood’s. We’d decided to make Tuesday mornings the time we skipped our runs in favor of a different type of cardio session, since I went to bingo on Tuesday evenings with my grandma and couldn’t spend that time with Wyatt.

Over the last couple of weeks, Wyatt and I had fallen into a routine of sorts. We didn’t necessarily do the same thing every week or weekend, and I’d been to his place twice in that time, but there seemed to be this natural flow and mutual understanding of how our days would go.

We both made the time to connect with each other—either in person or over the phone—which was something I truly appreciated Wyatt giving to me. He made me feel like I was an important part of his day, and it warmed my heart to know how much he looked forward to connecting with me every day.

It was the very opposite of what I’d grown accustomed to experiencing with Tristan, who only occasionally made time for me when it didn’t interfere with whatever plans he had. Wyatt didn’t just expect me to drop whatever was happening in my life to do something for or with him. He talked to me, he asked my opinion, and he compromised. He showed me what it was like to truly be loved by a man.

Now that we’d had some fun in bed this morning and were recuperating, I’d apparently decided I wanted to discuss something that had been on my mind a lot lately. Unsurprisingly, given how out of the blue and nondescriptive my question had been, Wyatt didn’t have a clue what I was talking about.

“Figure out what?” he asked.

“I’m not sure how you feel about discussing this. Maybe it’s none of my business at this point, but I’ve been curious about it. I was wondering if you’ve made any headway with the expansion project,” I explained.

It seemed that before I got any answers to my question, Wyatt felt the need to address something else. “Do you believe that we’re working to build something together here?”