Page 85 of Keeping Eveline

“You’ve done a shit-load wrong, but don’t make it worse by following through with this. Let Eveline go, and everything will be fine.”

Kyle sounded so calm.

Adrenaline coursed through Eveline’s bloodstream. Her heart pounded in her ears, and the urge to forget that she had a gun pointed at her and bolt to the safety of Kyle’s arms was overwhelming.

“Nothing will ever be fine again,” Gerald spat. “Fucking Alliez Security ruining my life.”

“Not sure how that can be the case, since Triple Z wasn’t the only security company in LA when we arrived,” Kyle said reasonably, and Eveline noted he and whoever was by his side had crept forward a fraction.

“Fucking Grayson Warren shoved my son aside. Took all the hard work Wayne had laid out and joined up with Riley Ashton and created Alliez. Everything Alliez should be Wayne’s.”

What was he talking about? Did Kyle know?

In all the time she’d worked for Triple Z, she’d never heard Gerald had a son.

“Not what I heard; seems your son had the same sort of business practices as you—unethical. Eveline isn’t involved in any of that. Let her go.”

Gerald’s whole body shook enough that she felt the tremors.

Was that with rage or something else?

“Eveline is mine. Has been mine since she walked into my office looking for a job. You tried to steal her from me.”

What the hell?

He was delusional.

“I am not yours, Gerald. And how can you say you don’t do anything wrong when you arranged for clients to be attacked? Or their houses broken into so you could get more business from them? How ethical is that? You abused their trust in you, then you convinced them to spend more money for the extra services you could provide for them,” Eveline said. She probably shouldn’t have spoken, but she couldn’t help it.

Gerald growled. “Fucking bitch, I knew you stole information from me. I should’ve had you finished off that night in the alleyway. That would’ve kept you quiet. I hoped you’d come running to me when you found your place had been trashed. That was the plan. You were supposed to come to me. Your boss. Not the fucking enemy.” The more he spoke, the more unhinged he was getting, and now he was full on shaking and shoving her against him.

“What is wrong with you?” she whispered.

“Nothing. Nothing is wrong. Why does everyone think something is wrong with me?” he screamed. Eveline squirmed trying to get away from him, but Gerald only held on tighter.

“Let me say this again—it’s over, Morkham. Your business will never recover from this. No one will hire you to provide security services when it gets out that you not only kidnapped an innocent woman, but are holding a gun to her. Not to mention the harm to your clients. If anyone ruined their business, it was you.”

Kyle’s words were precise and said in a deadly calm voice that Eveline almost didn’t recognize.

“You’re going to spend a long time in prison, Gerald. Let me go,” Eveline begged. She wanted far away from him because the shit was about to hit the fan. Her gut shouted as much.

The alarm had shut off, but she’d been so focused on Gerald she hadn’t even noticed.

Movement out of the corner of her eye drew her attention, and two police officers entered the room, guns raised.

“Police! Lower your weapon!” one of them shouted.

“No!” Gerald screamed. “I’d rather die.”

Suddenly, the gun was gone from her side. A deafening blast sounded around the room. Wetness coated her back and arms.

Eveline froze.

What the hell had happened?

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Ox rushed forward, holstering his weapon, his attention on Eveline.