Chapter Twenty-Eight
The large house came into view, and Ox slowed the SUV to a stop. As much as he wanted to drive the car down the driveway, barge into the house, and grab Eveline back, they had to be careful.
Cass, as promised, had hacked the camera feed, and confirmed that Eveline was indeed inside the house and that the main living area was set up as a movie set.
There were only five members of the film crew and one makeup woman.
Gerald was also on the premises, along with two of his staff members, or more accurately, members of Desert Snakes.
Of course, they had no idea if any of the film crew were also on Desert Snakes payroll or on Gerald’s so they were going to treat them as non-friendlies until they had them neutralized and could question them after.
Cass had also notified the local Police Department, advising them of Eveline’s kidnapping and sending the footage of the attack. Members of the local force would be arriving shortly.
If they had any questions about how Cass and gotten the footage or how she’d found out where Eveline had been taken, she didn’t let on.
Ox hated waiting, but they had no choice. He just hoped they’d arrive without sirens blaring because that wasn’t going to turn out well.
“Local police ETA five minutes.” Cass’s voice sounded in his ear.
“Copy that. Coming in cold or hot?”
“Cold, as per my directive.”
Whenever Cass requested anything, she always got a positive response. She had magic skills and once again, Ox was glad that she was on their team.
“Sitrep inside?” Ox asked.
“Same. They’re all still located in the living room. One guy is getting impatient and keeps going up to Gerald, but Gerald waves him away. He was the one who brought Eveline into the room.”
“Got an ID?”
“Working on it. Got names of the film crew, and from what’s shown up, they’re all clean. Most have been out of work for a few months, so I imagine they jumped at the chance to work on a movie, regardless of how it was funded or screwed up it is.” As Cass relayed the information, the familiar sound of her pounding at the keyboard sounded in the background.
“Living the Hollywood dream,” Angel said sardonically.
“Okay, got a hit on the two guys from Desert Snakes. Paul Jamieson and Sam Dukes. Both low level in the organization, but they’re both employed at Triple Z.”
“Which one touched Eveline?” Ox asked.
As much as he wanted to pound the guy until he couldn’t stand for touching his Eveline, he’d wait for a time when it would be warranted, and Ox had no doubt that an opportunity would present itself.
“Incoming,” Growler said from the backseat.
Ox spied police cruisers in the rearview mirror.
They pulled to a halt beside their SUV.
Ox powered down his window. “Officer.”
“You Kyle Matthews?” the older guy asked.
“How do you want to play this?” The second officer in the car leaned forward and gave Ox a chin lift.