Page 51 of Keeping Eveline

Ox checked his rearview mirror and side mirrors for the fifth time since he’d left the office, but no one was following him.

As he pulled up to the corner where he’d told Eveline he’d meet her, she was there, waiting.

Her dark hair was caught in a low slick ponytail. The skirt she wore was a dark navy and hugged her hips as it fell in a straight line to just above her knees. The white blouse fluttered in the breeze. High-heeled sandals adorned her feet, the thin strap encasing her ankle.

When she’d walked out of his bedroom that morning, he’d almost choked on his toast. It had taken all his mental strength to not stalk her until he was close enough to toss her over his shoulder and take her back to his bed, where he would ravish her—while she wore her shoes.

“Dammit,” Ox muttered as his dick tightened and lengthened in his pants.

It was pure torture living in the same place as Eveline. She slept only a few feet from him. He recalled how her body had felt in his arms. Remembered the soft whimpers she made when he’d slid inside her and how they slowly increased until she was panting his name in climax.

What the fuck was he doing thinking about her like this when he could do nothing about it?

You can though.

He ignored the voice and pulled the car to a halt next to where she stood, flicking the doors so that she could enter.

The moment she sat, her light, flirty perfume filled the space. “Hey, how are you?” Eveline said almost breathlessly.

What he wanted to do was hook an arm around her and drag her close so that he could kiss her until both of them couldn’t think straight.

Except he didn’t. “Good. You?”

She shrugged. “Busy, but I haven’t found anything out.”

Ox was aware of how her day was going. Did she know that she muttered to herself when she was working? He’d spent the morning trying to concentrate on his own job while making regular trips to the surveillance room where Angel was listening to Eveline work.

On his third trip in the space of thirty minutes, Angel looked at him, shook his head, and walked out of the room, telling him that he could listen to what was happening if Ox didn’t trust him to do the job properly.

None of it was said in anger or annoyance; it was more irony. So much for playing it cool at the office.

Ox didn’t know exactly what he was feeling for Eveline, but he wanted to keep her close and wanted to be the one to hear everything going on at her job. The need to protect her was strong.

“Don’t worry, I’m thinking Gerald is probably keeping things close to his chest for the moment. He’ll either slip something to you to see what you do with it, or he’ll make a mistake he didn’t even know he was making, and you’ll find it.”

If he were being honest with himself, he couldn’t guess how Gerald was going to play it. When he’d greeted Eveline, he’d given the impression of a caring boss, telling her they couldn’t survive without her. Eveline had played it cool, and he was proud of her for not falling for Gerald’s false praise.

“That’s the thing. If Gerald is aware of all of I’ve done, and we’ve decided that he must be, then when and if I find something, who knows what he’s going to do or how he’s going to react.”

Ox hated hearing the tremor in her voice. Hated that she was doing this. However, talking her out of it wasn’t an option because she wanted to do this, and he had to admire her for it.

“Which is why you’ve got a tracker, and we’re listening in. I think I’m going to find a place close by and monitor you and everything. Then if something happens, I can act quickly.”

In all of this planning, camping out near her office hadn’t been on the table, but now, hearing her uncertainty, Ox was kicking himself that he hadn’t made it part of their action plan.

“Is that necessary?”

“Very.” He took hold of her hand, needing that connection. The need to touch her was his new normal and getting stronger and stronger. He was in so much trouble, but he couldn’t be annoyed at it. Eveline had gotten under his skin, and he welcomed the possession.

Chapter Eighteen

Ox tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for Eveline to finish her workday. She’d been back at work for three days, and so far, nothing out of the ordinary had happened. There’d been no clients who’d been assaulted or had their property broken into, requiring Triple Z to provide extra services.

His phone buzzed to life, and he picked up it. “Hey, Cass, what’s up?”

“Finally got information on Randall Maxwell. He was part of the Desert Snakes Gang, but had his patch taken from him when he fucked the leader’s woman.”

“Never a good idea,” Ox said, keeping his attention on the corner so he could start the car the moment Eveline appeared.