Were they hard of hearing?
Or were they not there and the person who’d done this had timed their visit to make maximum impact without anyone hearing this?
Or was it something more sinister?
Not liking the way his mind was tracking, he fired off a quick text to Growler, asking him to drop by and canvas Eveline’s neighbors. He’d do it himself, but he didn’t want to leave her.
Ox received a quick response confirming his friend and employee was on his way. Damn, it was good having another team at his back. He’d missed that initially when he’d left the Army. Now he had it back and planned to hang onto it.
“I’m assuming you’ll be able to run some DNA on that?” Ox pointed to the place in the middle of the bed where the person had ejaculated all over one of Eveline’s nightgowns. The lacy confection was ruined.
“Yep, and we’ll run it through our database to see if we get any hits,” the CSI officer responded.
“I’ll need a copy of that report,” Ox said. He was overstepping but no way was he not going to make sure that Alliez was involved with this case. He’d already called his contact in the department so he could have access where he wouldn’t normally be allowed. If he had to call in all the markers he had to protect Eveline, he would.
“I’ll see what I can do.” The CSI Agent collected his gear and walked out
In other words, he was going to make Ox wait until it became an open record. Ox wasn’t waiting that long. This guy didn’t know him. Didn’t know that he had connections as well as one of the best hackers in the country who was invisible.
“We’ll be taking off now.” The detective who’d arrived at the scene stood in the doorway.
“Thanks.” Wasn’t much more he could say. It was now a waiting game. Who knew how long it would be before he got news if they’d gotten a hit on the samples they’d taken? With a nod, the detective walked out.
Ox remained where he was, wishing things could be different.
It was clear Eveline was being targeted. The chances of her apartment being ransacked a few hours after she’d been attacked was an unlikely coincidence.
No, she was being warned off.
Being warned that they knew she had information.
Which meant that the threat was coming from her boss. The very person whose job was in the protection industry.
Little did Gerald know, but Eveline had passed the information to him. That Ox had what Gerald was looking for. That was why her apartment had been trashed. The way the furniture and mattress had been slashed open with the stuffing strewn around the room. Not to mention the way all her clothes had been thrown over the floor were all indications that they were searching the place for something.
“No!” The tortured cry came from behind Ox, and he cursed himself for not paying attention and making sure that Eveline didn’t come into the room.
He whirled and closed the distance between where he stood and where Eveline stood in the doorway. “Baby, don’t look.”
“My room. It’s wrecked. Why?”
Her question was muffled against his chest, and he wished he’d been able to save her from seeing the devastation.
Did he tell her his suspicions?
Yes, Ox told her he didn’t lie to her—unless it was necessary. As necessary as this probably was, considering the day she’d had, he wasn’t going to lie to her now.
“I think someone discovered you stole information from Triple Z, and they want it back.”
She looked up at him, tears glistening, threatening to spill over. “What? Gerald did this?”
“I don’t know if it was him, or he organized someone to send a message to you. Or he’s working with someone who doesn’t want the information to get out.”
“How is this my life now? I wish I never found that information.” She sobbed.
Ox held her as the sobs shook her body.
This release of emotions from her was welcomed. He’d seen cracks in her emotional wall throughout the day. Had seen the moment shock had overtaken her. The tears, though, she’d kept them at bay until now.