Page 113 of Grim

I figured she’d be pretty, but she was a fuckin’ top shelf model. A flawless beauty.

“Kenna Lodge,” I somehow pushed by my lips.

“Oh, the girl on the phone last night. You really were persistent.”

“I was doing my job.”

“And part of your job is calling your boss at four a.m.?” She chuckled at Grim, but I held my own.

“That’s right.”

“Four a.m. or four p.m., Jenelle, what difference?” Grim scanned the room. “Work never stops in Vegas. You should know that. She did the right thing by calling.”

“Grim?” Leo called, and Grim looked at the two of us and shrugged. I could practically feel her claws from where I stood.

“Give me a sec.” He left us, and I turned to go find Minnie, but Jenelle grabbed my arm.

“Kenna, can we just talk a moment?”

“Sure.” Oh, kill me now.

“I’m just going to give it to you real,” she walked us a few steps away so her back was turned in the direction Grim left, “because I wouldn’t want you to find yourself in the middle of something awkward.”

“I can respect that.” I nodded for her to go on even though my back inched up higher.

“Grim and I have a long history. We’ve been on and off again because of our jobs. This time Grim is back, and I am too. When he came home, we reconnected and are dating again.” That was news to me. “We’re not exclusive yet, but that’s what we were discussing when you called last night.” She seemed genuine with her explanation, and it made me uneasy.

“Grim’s still kind of stuck in his twenties, if you know what I mean.” She gave a little laugh. “But I can see he’s starting to realize life isn’t slowing down for any of us.” She paused a moment then looked me directly in the eyes. “Kenna, we’re getting married.” Her words echoed in my head, and I shook them clear and thought how strange it was that Grim never hinted that he was thinking of marriage. She gave me a small smile then put her hand gently on my arm. She glanced over where Grim stood in conversation with his brother. I could see by the way her face softened she meant what she was saying. “I’m not trying to be a bitch or anything.”

Ugh, I hated the passive bitch comments.

“Well, I can assure you we certainly aren’t dating,” I told her.

“I know.” She smiled widely. “Grim doesn’t actually date. He just plays around until he gets bored then comes and finds me.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?” I seemed to have landed in the middle of something complicated.

“I’m putting the time in. I have since we were young, but I can see how he is with you and I’m just saying, Grim’s wild and fun, but at the end of it all we’ll be together. I guess I’m just trying to save you from getting hurt.” I saw she was making an effort to be nice about it, but I could sense her claws rested below the surface, ready to pop out.

“I appreciate the honesty.” I tried to look casual.

“Do you want to get something to eat?” She switched the subject so fast I was caught off guard. “I hear the crab cakes are amazing.” She smiled.

“No. Thank you.” I would rather cut out my own tongue than share something to eat with this woman. “You really should go and enjoy some, though.” Lord knows you could use the calories. I suddenly wanted to punch a wall. I mean, I was going to lose some amazing sex. People like me don’t often find sexual partners who fit.

I searched the room for Minnie and saw Grim on his way back. Damn. I felt incredibly uncomfortable and just wanted to get out of there.

“Hey, darling, we should find our table.” She smiled at him, but Grim pulled his arm away and took a step toward me.

“Kenna, you wanted to tell me something?”

Fuck, no. I couldn’t risk Jenelle making a scene here at such an important fundraiser.

“There you are, Kenna.” Minnie saved the day. “Mr. Hong is looking for you.”

“Work calls once again. I gotta go.” I shrugged and forced a smile at Grim. I could kiss Minnie.

“Jizz-elle.” Minnie nodded at her. “I had no idea they would make a dress that color.” She turned to me as Jenelle’s face turned red. “Let’s go.”