Page 112 of Grim

“You look like you just stepped off a runway, Kenna. Wow.”

I took the drink Jayden handed me and forced a smile. “Thank you.”

“I see the Gates spent a pile of money on this event. They could have just donated it all to the charity instead.”

“That’s unkind, Jayden. A lot of this stuff is donated, and they do match whatever is made on the event. I think that’s quite impressive for one family to do.”

“When you’re rich as fuck, I guess it pays to look humble.”


Suddenly, I felt eyes on me, and scanned the faces and found Grim. He was in a jet-black tux, with gray velvet swirls, and red stitching. His hair was slicked back, and his eyes that burned into me were a cold gray. He couldn’t look any more like a villain if he tried. He said something and stepped away from the man he was with. As he made his way toward me, I felt as though I was being stalked like prey. His eyes never left me.

“So, where’s your date, Shore’s son? Whatever his name was. I thought I should meet him,” I vaguely heard Jayden ask.

A jolt ran through me as I thought back to the morning when I found Grim in my living room. We’d been like savages. He’d claimed me as his, at least in those moments of intimacy. Was that intimacy? I was his and he was mine, and no one else existed then. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced, and nothing I’d ever imagine I’d let someone do.

“Good evening, Miss Lodge.” Grim stopped inches from me and drank me in as he kissed my cheek. His hand slipped discreetly inside one of the silk panels on my skirt, and he let out a small, carnal moan only I could hear.

“Shore’s son?” Minnie asked as Jayden repeated his question. She looked at Jayden funny, and I suddenly tuned in to them. “Shore has four girls. No penis made its way into that family.”

Minnie, no!

“But he said his son was your date tonight.” Jayden looked at me then at Grim. He then seemed to make the connection that we were together. We weren’t; I’d come alone.

“I’m sorry, Jayden, I didn’t want to be rude.” I tried to be kind but truthful. “I just wanted to attend alone.”

“Right,” he chuckled like he couldn’t believe I would lie to him, “alone.” He threw a look at Grim, who didn’t react. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to be alone.”

He stepped into the crowd and made his way out of sight.

“Shit, girl, I’m sorry.” Minnie looked contrite. “Me and my big mouth.”

“No, it’s okay, Min. He’s been trying to get my attention lately, and he’s not getting my hints. It needed to happen.”

“Maybe he shouldn’t work here if he is bothering my employees,” Grim added.

“No, don’t be ridiculous, Grim. Besides, I can handle it.” I spotted Jim Gates with his wife Laurel and watched as she hovered around him. She seemed concerned over something. She kept her eyes on her husband and a hand on his arm.

“Come on, girl, I gotta find a proper drink.” Brick hauled Minnie off toward the bar.

“Is your dad okay?” I whispered to Grim, who didn’t follow my gaze as I nodded toward his parents.

“He’s fine,” Grim growled and moved me in front of him as a waiter walked by with a big tray of bacon-wrapped dates. The place was packed, but when his free hand landed on my bare hip, and he pushed his erection into my back, my eyes went wide, but no one was the wiser.

He bent down and pressed his warm lips to my ear. He didn’t need to say anything. I felt it too, and as much as I wanted to play, I needed to talk to him first.

“I need to talk to you.”

“Talk or fight?” He chuckled. “Because either one usually ends up the same way.” He squeezed my hip.

“I’m serious, Grim.”

“Grim, darling.” Her cool voice sent a shiver down my spine, but what was worse was Grim’s reaction. He flinched, but at least his hand didn’t leave my side. A gorgeous, five-foot-eight blonde bombshell in a sleek yellow dress draped her arms around him. She slid between us, and he had to break contact. “I’m so glad you wore the red tie we discussed the other night.” She swept her arm down her dress. “I promised you I’d wear my yellow gown. You like?”

“What are you doing?” He dodged her question.

“Mingling.” She turned and looked down at me then looked me up and down. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Jenelle Borrows.”