Page 68 of Grim

“Again,” she moaned. I did what she asked, only this time I leaned down and nipped her nipple, making her yelp. As she did, I ground my erection into her and buried my face into her cleavage. She smelled fresh and woke up every part of me. A shaky breath traveled through my body as it hummed to be closer. Her slender neck taunted me, and my mouth started to water at the need to taste her there.

With all my willpower not to give in and just take that spot, I lifted her in the air as I stood.

“Oh!” She was startled by the sudden movement but wrapped her legs around me. “You learn fast.”

I pushed her to the padded wall and lowered her to her feet as I moved her hands above her head. I used my thigh to hold her up as I ran my hands down her arms then cupped her breasts for a moment. I hated her teddy; it was just another struggle not to rip the fabric away. Then I flattened my palm on her stomach and slipped into her wet panties. Holding her arms with one hand, I slipped a finger inside her. Christ, she was so hot.

A hungry moan dropped from her lips and strained her head to one side.

I couldn’t take it anymore.

The moment she felt my lips on her neck, she froze. She tried to wiggle free, but I pressed another finger inside her.

“You feel…” She trailed off into a throaty cry as I rubbed circles. I got high from just the feel of her falling apart in my arms. She was vulnerable and submissive, but I sensed the fight that was inside her wanted to be unleashed. I sucked harder on her neck, and she fought to break free of my hold. “Not the neck.” She managed to find the words.

“Why?” I grunted.

“Not your place.”

I smirked. I liked that. I was conceited enough to accept that she had a place on her body that was now reserved only for me.

“Whose?” I couldn’t resist.

“The Reaper’s.” She chuckled darkly, and I lost it. I grabbed her hips, swung her around, and laid her back down on the pillows. I caught myself with my arms and flattened my body over hers. I hiked her leg up and slipped a finger back inside her.

“Yes!” She panted. I fed my fingers into her and gave her probably the best job I’d ever given to a woman. She felt amazing under me. I gave it to her as if we were having sex. My insides pleaded with me to give in and take all of her, but this room had rules, and I wouldn’t attempt to break them.

It was torture, but there was a twisted part of me that enjoyed it. The knowledge that I’d had this with Kenna without her knowing it was me was heady stuff. I wanted that. Only I would know that when she saw me during the day, she’d remember what I could do with just a few fingers. I thrusted in and out, rocking my body against hers, kissing and sucking wherever I could. I ravished her body, soaked up her noises, and watched as everything strained to ignite.

“I’m about to come!”

“Give it to me, sweetheart,” I purred in her ear, and her masked face flipped to mine as she recognized my voice.

“Grim!” My fingers changed direction. “Oh!” Her cheeks pinked, her breathing hitched, and just as she fell off the ledge, I moved to her neck and sucked in her sweet skin at the spot reserved for me. I wanted to mark her, remind her that this happened, that I could make her submit to me in the best way possible. She trembled beneath me, and her hands squeezed my forearm as an anchor. It was one of the most erotic experiences I ever had with anyone. Maybe it was the setting, or maybe it was the knowledge that she’d tried to get it from someone else and I turned the table on her plans. Whatever it was, I needed it.

She ripped off her blindfold before her body had even finished its ride, but she couldn’t do anything but let it take her. When she came back down and I knew she could hear me properly, I moved my lips to her ear, “Two to zero, sweetheart.”

“Grim! What the hell?” Her eyes flared but wavered when I gave her one last flick of the fingers. “How did you even know I was here?”

“Seems our friends played us.” I smirked, and she pushed against my shoulder so she could sit up. I leaned back and crossed my arms behind my head. “Feel better?”

“I did.” She flipped her hair out of her face as she stumbled to stand. “I’m going to kill Minnie!” She stormed toward the door.

“So, you have a spot on your body, reserved just for me?”

She flipped me the finger as the door slammed shut behind her. I laughed and got to my feet. My pants strained and my erection felt worse than ever, but at least my head felt clear. I snagged the blindfold and tucked it in my pocket as a souvenir as I whistled my way back into the viewing room for my jacket.

My jacket had been moved. I stood there a moment and studied the small room. I wondered who had been in here and how long they might have watched us. The guy from before had exited through a different door. I’d allowed myself to be led by my dick and not my head. It should have occurred to me anyone could just walk in and watch us the very way I had her. It was how these rooms worked.

A movement behind me made me duck in time to miss the bat that came for my head, but not quick enough to stop the punch to my jaw. It took me a moment to realize there were two of them.

The whoosh of air from the bat as it swung again made me dodge to the side. I quickly assessed the situation as they circled me. The man who held the bat seemed nervous and his gaze flicked around the room. He would be the weaker one, so I homed in on the other guy. He seemed more confident as he took another swing at my jaw.

“Like the show?” I asked as I dodged his fist and, for a split second, he looked confused. The bat came at me again, and I grabbed it and pulled it out of his grip. I smoked the side of his knee, and he dropped to the floor with a shriek.

Whack! I got a fist to the side and hit the wall.

“That’s two.” I flipped the bat in my hand and caught it by the handle then snapped it in half over my thigh before I tossed it aside. I preferred to use my hands to fight; I liked to feel the damage I caused.