Page 59 of Grim

“Fine.” I had to agree if we looked at it from that angle. I’d just gone to bat for her not being the Contis’ host, and this went hand in hand with that. Mom’s face showed surprise. Probably she was shocked, as I had a reputation for not being easy to compromise with either. But I felt this made sense.

“Thank you.” Kenna managed a small smile. I thought maybe she’d fight me less now that I’d agreed to her request. I doubted it, but one could dream. Her smile immediately returned to a scowl, and I glared at her. The moment was certainly over. I made a mental note to try to find a way to work with her better so I wouldn’t be constantly planning her death.

“I think that’s a smart request, Kenna.” Dad stood. “I’ll get your contract revised this afternoon.”

“Thank you.” She smiled at my mother and shook Dad’s hand. I was awarded a nod.

“Mom and Dad, I’ll meet you at the restaurant. I need a moment alone with Kenna.”

“I have to meet Mr. Hong,” she complained.

“He can wait.”

“Of course, dear.” Mom kissed my cheek. “Remember we’re witnesses, so return her in one piece.”

No promises.

Once they left, I swung around to face her. She stood with her arms folded and her knees locked. She looked ready for battle. I sighed and huffed out a breath. Her white sleeveless blouse that crisscrossed in the front was tucked into her tight red skirt. I knew if she was about to go meet Yen Hong, she’d want to change into something more casual. Yen loved the pool.

“I don’t have the energy to go head-to-head with you, Grim. My father wears me out.”

“Out of respect to my parents, I didn’t slam my fist into his head. He certainly deserved it.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.” She always let her father off the hook. I couldn’t figure out why.

“One day it’ll happen. I’ve been known to have a temper.”

“Never guessed.” She dripped with sarcasm.

I walked over to the folder on the table and flipped open the file on Sonny. “You and my mother seem close.”

“Does that threaten you?” She pulled her hair to one side, and it drew my attention to her throat. My hand twitched to wrap around it.

“Not much threatens me.”

“Sonny seems to.”

I swung my gaze over to hers, and she matched my glare.

“Be careful, Kenna. Just because you’re close with my mother doesn’t mean you can speak so freely to me.”

“I really get under your skin, don’t I?”

“You’re like a parasite that’s crawled your way into my brain, pissing me off at every thought.”

“Wow,” she looked away, “I had no idea I pissed you off that much.”

“Well, you do now.” Between her and the fact that I was once again being screwed up with my hotel being built, I wanted to snap something in two, and it wasn’t a pen. Something popped into my head. “What was going on last night?”

“Well, since I have you alone, and apparently extremely pissed off at me,” she huffed, “I might as well say this now.” I hated that my temper sent my blood in all directions, but mostly to my erection. “We will not discuss why I left Minnie’s club the way I did. Not now, not ever.”

“Oh, really? Well, we will discuss what the hell rattled you because something did. Do I need to go ask Minnie?”

“Grim,” she looked me square in the eye, “it was something personal and something I very much wish to keep private. Let it go.” I smirked at that. She really didn’t know me very well. I wanted to know everything that happened in my city.

“Why were you and Calli fighting at fight club last night?” I asked, and her brows pitched.

“Dad sent her to do his errands, and I sent her away.”