Page 56 of Grim

I cleared my throat and went back to the task at hand. I leaned back in my chair and went with my gut.

“Like I expressed to you both,” I glanced at Dad then Kenna, “I don’t like this deal. My gut tells me they’re going to be nothing but trouble. I’ve seen enough to know what kind of element they attract. They aren’t the kind of people we want.”

“Maybe so, but my part in this isn’t for you to have a say in.” Kenna straightened in her chair, and I flexed my jaw at her consistent need to push back.

“I disagree, Grim,” my father said calmly. “They have a lot of money and are reckless with it.” He pulled out a file and slid it across the table to me. I flipped it open and scanned the numbers. “That’s how much he lost at the Venetian, on that one visit alone. One-point-two million at the blackjack table. That’s also when Kenna distracted him with the business deal.” He chuckled, and she smiled at him.

I knew my father saw a lot in Kenna when it came to what she did here, but I didn’t like the fact she seemed so close with them. It seems I’d missed a lot over the years about how close she was with Devil’s Reach and now my family.

“Let’s not forget how this deal brings me business, too.” Cameron rudely tossed his phone on the table.

“That part doesn’t interest me.” I dismissed him and tried a different angle. Maybe they’d listen to it since they all seemed so close. “Did I mention Sonny slipped a drug into Kenna’s drink at dinner?”

“What! I never heard that.” Mom sat up and looked at Kenna.

“Grim.” Kenna looked uneasy. I knew she wouldn’t like that little detail being revealed. “I’m fine,” she assured my mom, who had a look of concern on her face. “I didn’t drink any of it. I had it handled.”

“Handled?” I lifted a brow. Seriously?

Kenna mouthed, “Fuck you,” and I fought back a satisfied smirk.

“Did he really do that?” Cameron’s face showed no concern for Kenna. He wore a smug look. “And who was your source for that?”

“Me.” I held his gaze until he shifted in his seat.

“It’s Vegas,” he chuckled, “and who are you to talk? Didn’t you spend the better part of a decade making sure your hotels had the best drugs in town?” I hated that he knew our family business as well as he did.

“There’s a difference between willingly taking a drug and having one slipped into you without your knowledge, Cameron,” Mom explained. “The intent of which is usually rape. Jim, now I’m nervous of this guy.” Dad laid a hand over hers and gave it a pat.

“It’s Vegas, darling. We’ve seen worse.”

“Surely, somewhere in law school they taught you that, Cameron?” I turned to him. I couldn’t believe this guy. We were talking about his own daughter. “And I’m confused. Why are you even here for this meeting?”

“I’m usually at all the meetings. You’d know this if you were actually here.”

“Well, lucky for you, I’m back, so there’s the door.”

“All right.” Dad rubbed his forehead, and Mom placed her hand on his arm. He gently pushed her hand away and shook his head. “Kenna, I’m glad you’re okay. We’ll keep a close eye on Sonny. Lord knows we don’t want a reputation for that sort of thing. It was probably Rohypnol. It’s been used at several hotels lately and seems to be becoming popular again. Sadly, it’s very hard to police. That being said, Grim, I’m sorry, son, but I’m overriding you on this. Sonny’s a real catch for us. You know how many hotels are after his business. The fact that we beat them all out and got him as well as his father is just too good to pass up.”

A vein ticked in my neck, and I knew it was a warning to leave.

“I disagree.” I tapped my fingers and tried to calm myself. Then my phone vibrated, and I saw that Jesse, who had stepped outside the door when the meeting started, sent me a text. I stood as the rage that had started when this meeting began now shifted to the text. “I need a moment.”

“Something more important than this?” Cameron muttered as I yanked open the door.

“What the fuck?” I motioned for Jesse to follow me into my mother’s office. She had one right next to my father.

“I got in contact with our window guy, and he said the shipment never left the warehouse.” Jesse held up his hands, as he knew I was about to lose it over my fucking hotel.

“Well, that’s a fucking lie because we got the paperwork saying it did.” I rubbed my head and tried to think through the rage. Someone who had knowledge of my business dealings was fucking me at every turn.

“Let me call Deborah and see what she knows. She’s due to arrive tomorrow, anyway.”

“Good.” I eased down onto the couch and jabbed a thumb above my eyes to relieve the pain that stabbed. “Also find out where Tupot is.”

“Another dinner?” He winced.

“Let’s hope his wife can cook.”