Page 34 of Grim

“Kenna,” Salazar rose and leaned in, “I only just learned from Mr. Gates that you were to meet with Mr. Conti this evening. My apologies if I’m intruding. I was under the impression this was to be a business dinner between Mr. Conti and me.”

“Perhaps he was trying to fit us both in at the same time.” I force a smile at Sonny. “Why don’t we have dinner another time, Mr. Conti, so you two can finish up?”

“Not to worry.” Sonny pulled out a chair for me. “I’m pleased you’re here, though I don’t think Mr. Gates is, and he was just telling us you weren’t feeling well.”

“I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding.” I chuckled as we both took our seats.

“Yes, Mr. Gates told us you couldn’t make it. Are you sick?” Salazar eyed Grim, who just shrugged and leaned back in his chair. I appreciated his lack of comment as I tried to quickly fill in the blanks as to what was going on.

“Nothing a little food couldn’t fix.” I turned to Sonny. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Mr. Conti. I hope you’ve thought more about what we discussed?”

“Oh, please,” he poured me a glass of wine, “no need to be so formal. Call me Sonny.” He ignored my question.

“As long as you call me Kenna.” Sonny leaned in close, and I felt Grim tense next to me.

“It’s a deal.” He gave Salazar a quick look, then Grim. “Kenna, I assume by the way Mr. Salazar greeted you, you’ve met before?”

“Yes, we have a few times.” I kept my answer vague. I was good at keeping my clients’ information to myself. Being discreet was what Vegas was all about.

“That’s great. Maybe you can tell Mr. Salazar a bit about me and vouch that I’d be a good person to work with.”

“Hmm,” Grim muttered annoyed, and Sonny gave him a pissed look and licked his teeth.

“So, Gates, now that Kenna has arrived, don’t let us keep you from your business. Surely, you have better things to do with your time than hang out with the likes of us.” He chuckled lightly.

“I cleared my schedule for the evening. It’s fine.” Grim tapped his fingers on the table, and I could feel him vibrate with anger. “Shall we order?” He handed me a menu, and when I went to take it, he caught my gaze, and I felt my entire body run cold. He was positively petrifying, but there was a strangeness behind his dark look that seemed to pull. I was suddenly intrigued instead of frightened. Any rational human being would run for the hills, but I sat there and held his gaze. I could hear the other men talking while I had my moment with Grim.

“I thought you might like to know the elevator’s fixed now.” I kept my voice even and watched as his pupils dilated and his jaw twitched. “That makes us what?” I couldn’t help but egg him on. “Two to zero?” His lips thinned into a hard line as he leaned in, and I was engulfed by his scent.

“Watch yourself, sweetheart.” He let out a warm breath that brushed my collarbone and brought out a few goosebumps. “You don’t want to bring out the beast in me. I normally keep it tightly caged.”

I arched an eyebrow but didn’t respond, and his gaze dropped down to my lips.

“Or maybe I do,” I whispered, and his eyes shot up to mine.

“What can I get you?” The waiter arrived, and it broke our connection. We pulled apart to order, but I felt as though I’d been seared with the heat that came from his eyes.

Dinner came, and with it the small talk that was all part of winning over a client. You needed to put the time in to show you were all about them and their interests ahead of anything else and anyone else. I waited for Sonny to include Salazar or bring up whatever they’d been discussing before I arrived, but he didn’t. He just focused on me.

“Sonny, you and I have gotten to know one another over the last several months.”

“We have.” He purred at me, and I fought not to roll my eyes.

“I think it’s time we delved into things a little deeper.”

“The door is open. I love deep.” He chuckled, and I ignored his obvious inuendo.

“You’ve been a guest at the Bellagio, the Wynn, the Taro, but not at Indulge. Why is that?” I cocked my head to the side and brushed my hair back away from the girls as I asked the question.

“I guess I just didn’t know you were at Indulge.” He gave me a sleezy grin.

“And now that you know I’m there?” I challenged.

“I think that leaves me disappointed.”

“Oh?” I squinted, trying to follow.

“You see, I’m more tempted to see what Grim’s new hotel Secrets has to offer, but if you’re not going to be working there and only at Indulge, maybe I…” He leaned back and raised his hands as if to say what was he to do.