Page 116 of Grim

“They’re just another family to watch.”

“Understood.” I got up and looked for Leo. Dad had always been careful not to comment or impose his views on our love lives. At least not unless we asked for his advice. So, the fact he had done just that tossed me for a loop.

“Leo,” I waved when I spotted him, “let’s move.”

We got some champagne and top-shelf bourbon all set up in the office, along with some Cuban cigars to celebrate the contract.

“Harris is set to arrive in forty,” Leo glanced at his watch, “and Kenna should be here any moment.”


“Ah.” Leo paused, and I looked up.

“Out with it.” I clipped the tip of the cigar.

“Have you noticed anything yet? Like we discussed on the flight?” I set the cutter on the table and tapped a finger next to it as I thought.

“I have my suspicions, yes.”

“I think it’s time we talked, Grim.” Leo chewed his lip. “I’m concerned things are even worse than I thought.”

“I agree we should, has dad spoken to you?”

“No.” He looked at me oddly.

“Now’s not the time. Let’s just focus on getting through this. We get the contract signed, then we’ll talk.”

My phone vibrated, and I saw a text.

Jesse: Still no sign of Kenna.

Grim: Keep your eyes open.

What the hell?

I quickly called my father.

“Dad, can you try Kenna again. She’s still not here.”

“Really? Yes, I’ll do that right now.” We hung up, and I tapped the phone screen as I thought.

I called the kitchen and was glad someone picked with such a busy event downstairs.

“Kitchen,” the girl answered.

“This is Grim. Put Chef Dale on.”

“Right away, sir!” She didn’t miss a beat, and a moment later a frazzled chef answered.

“Mr. Gates, what can I do for you?”

“Dale, have you seen Kenna tonight?”

“No, sir, I’ve been crazy busy in the kitchen the whole day.” Fuck. “Have you checked with Minnie? She often goes to her club. Especially if she needs to let off some steam.” He seemed to key in to my concern.

“If you see her, tell her she’s needed on the twentieth.” I didn’t wait for his response and hung up. A strange feeling washed over me.

“Let’s go. Leo. Something’s not right.” I waved for him to follow. We raced down the hallway, and just as I pushed the button to call the elevator, the doors parted.