Page 109 of Grim

“Is he? Maybe he knows something.” I planted the seed that Cameron would kill me for. “Something that can maybe help?”

“Maybe.” Her phone rang, and she glanced at the ID. “Thank you for the information.” She reached for her purse. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”

“Did I miss the dinner invite?” Calli’s high-pitched voice made Kenna’s face flinch. Calli wore an all-red pantsuit with matching red glasses. I knew they weren’t prescription.

“Nope.” Kenna smiled at me as she got up. “Thanks for the chat, Simon. I hope to see you later tonight.” She nodded at her sister.

“Have a good evening.” I smiled and watched Calli’s face as she glared at her sister.

“Run along to the pool. I’m sure a wet t-shirt contest is happening.” She sounded like a child.

“At least I’d have a chance to win.” Kenna grinned, and Calli’s face fell. She did have smaller breasts than Kenna.

“Enjoy your date?” Calli pushed Kenna’s glass away and signaled to the waiter. “Another, please.”

“Of course.” He rushed away.

“Are you jealous?” I reached under the table and gave her leg a pat.

“Of that? No. I just don’t trust she’ll bring you to the dark side.”

“The only side I’m on is yours,” I assured her, and she rolled her eyes. “Tell me something, is Kenna dating anyone?”

“Why, you on the market?” She studied the menu, but when I didn’t answer, she looked up. “How should I know? Minnie’d be the one to ask. She’s the fiery redhead who’s dating Brick. Why?”

“I wondered if she might be dating Grim Gates.”

Calli dropped her head back and laughed so loudly she drew attention from others around us.

“Grim?” She laughed again. “The only way Grim would give her the time of day was if she was on his hit list. She drives him crazy, and he isn’t happy if he can’t control you. If you said Leo, maybe I could see it, but not Grim.”

“Understood.” I dropped the topic and slipped into easier conversation.

Later that evening, when Calli was in the shower prepping for the fundraiser she was to attend with Knox, I slipped out to the living room to answer a call.

“Gable.” I used the same greeting whether I knew who it was or not.

“I’ve called three times.”

“Well, I’m not alone, so that makes it difficult to answer,” I growled.

“You’re flirting with a dangerous line, sleeping with his daughter.”

“Maybe, but it helps me keep tabs on everything.” I leaned back and glanced toward the bedroom door to make sure Calli hadn’t come out yet.

He obviously disagreed but didn’t say anything else about it. “Well, I have some news.”

“And?” I slipped on my glasses and pulled the sheer curtain back a little to look outside.

“Luis Aguilar, born June twenty-fifth, nineteen-seventy-seven, in Yuma, California, died eleven months ago in a shootout at a nightclub in El Salvador.”

“Wait, what?” I pressed my hand to the wall. “That’s impossible. Castillo was killed only weeks ago.”

“Yup.” He made a sound with his tongue.

“How reliable is your info?” This was bad.

“I trust it. I did a job last year with Tommy Tide, and when I heard he was hustling in that area, I called him. Turns out Tommy’s the one who pulled the trigger on Luis. So, either there was some confusion, and your source was misinformed, or your source lied.”