His face fell, and he sank into his chair with a sigh. “This conversation never happened.” His tone changed and sent a cold prickle up my back. I had a sudden feeling another storm was heading our way.
“Uncle,” I pressed my hands into his desk and leaned over, “is Blackstone about to get another hit?” I needed to know what I was in for, what they were in for. When he held my stare, I got my answer. “How bad is it?”
“It’s unlike anything we’ve ever dealt with.”
“When is this situation going to happen?”
“That depends.”
“What happens with the Cartels at the border.”
“And if things go wrong?”
“Then we never, ever speak of this again. I mean it, Ivy. This is some classified red-tape level stuff.”
“I understand.” I felt my blood pressure rise.
“That includes sharing with Beckett.”
“Why would I share this with Beckett?”
“I know how close you two have become, and sometimes things can slip.”
I folded my arms and tried to read his face. “What do you know?” He didn’t give anything away, but I still rolled my eyes because I knew he was a vault when he wanted to be. I slowly lowered into the seat and felt the heaviness that hung in the air. “My heart breaks for the house,” I admitted.
“Mine, too.” He pulled off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s strange, you know.” He settled back in his chair. “Though Lexi was making progress the first few years at Shadows, I think her postpartum really set things on the wrong course for her. I know she fought it and tried hard to do what she knew she should. But sadly, I think all of us knew she’d be the one to get into trouble. If anyone would. She meant well but was reckless by default.”
He stood and looked out the window for a moment. “I believe when you start to see the men for their sessions and they open up to you, you’ll find they all knew this might be the outcome. She was on a dangerous road and had gone well past the time of being rescued, even with the help of the undercover informant.”
“She must have been so scared knowing the chances of ever coming home were slim to none.” I bit down on my bottom lip as I thought.
“Perhaps she knew it was hopeless. The wives here are well trained on what to say and how to act if they ever got captured. It’s why this place isn’t for everyone. It’s sad, but it’s reality, and it needs to be this way. What happened with Lexi is exactly why. Lord knows what she went through, though.”
“Do you think she gave them any information on the house?”
“I don’t.” He shook his head. “We’d already know if she had. The way the Cartels work, if they had gotten any information, it would’ve spread like wildfire, and we would have been stormed days ago.”
“That’s a terrifying thought.” I shuddered and rubbed my arms at a sudden chill. My uncle looked at me in sympathy.
“The house is due for another safety drill, especially given the nature of what’s happened. If it makes you feel any better, there’s a bunker below the house and a tunnel that leads to the other side of the mountain. The Logans thought of everything when they built this place, and over the years, they’ve added to stay current as the threats increase.”
“That helps a bit. Thanks.” I rubbed my eyes. “I know this is probably the worst question I could ask right now, but when will the kids be brought home?”
“Brandon and Reagan will be returning with Olivia tonight. The rest of the children will be told at Dusk.”
“Is that fair?” I blinked in shock. “Won’t the children need their parents at a time like this?”
“Normally, I’d say yes, but given the situation with the informant coming here, and the possible fallout, we felt it was best for the parents of the younger ones to leave them where they are for a bit. The guys especially will have a lot to get through these next few days. The children will only bring extra stress.” I highly disagreed with that. Even though it wasn’t my place, I did make a mental note to run my concerns by Cole myself.
“Do you know who the informant is?”
“No.” He looked me straight in the eye, and I knew he told the truth. “I believe only Frank does.” His gaze shifted suddenly, and I felt something.
“But you have a possible idea of who it could be?”
“I might have.” He nodded.